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musashi1584's picture
My account of fulltilt has been hacked

I have returned to fulltilt about a month ago,after playing on another site.My account has been hacked and my money (2000 dolars) was stollen,trasfered to some player,which they say that is not to blame because his account has been hacked as well.I have contacted support  quicky after the incident(about 2 hours).They replied late and told me there was nothing to do.They can t refund my money beacuse it will creat a loophole for dishonest players.Like what are they impling?That i stoll my own money?I m a winning player( alex_florea on fullltilt) why would I do that?Plus they surely know where the money is,they have control of the site,they can trace it,but seems like they don t what to.Why else are we supposed to wait 7 days when we withdraw?not so they can check the money etc?I have raported the incidend imediatly its not as if it took me 2 weeks and they lost the trace and the money was withdrawn.I didn t give my password to anyone this was their securities fault. 2000 dolars means alot in my country and this is the end of my poker career,its not enough i have to worry about variance and shit,now i have to worry about someone accesing my account with no problem and taking my bankroll.If you have a fulltilt account just be carefull,you money is not is save as you might think.

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
Sorry to hear this news,

Sorry to hear this news, thats terrible.  One thing you can look into is the Security Key that they offer in the Full Tilt Store.  You can get one that you can download to your phone, or a key chain that randomly generates a number every 30 seconds.  They cost 5,000 points and it's a pretty good investment for having peace of mind.  Based on what you said, you may have a key-logger installed on your PC (could have been downloaded as a virus, etc) that enables someone to see all of the processes on your computer, and what you type.  For example, the program could tell that you opened a certain program, and then what you typed immediately after.  If you're using a public computer, it could have been installed on it and then after you used it, they accessed it.  Not saying this is what happened, but could definitely be a possibility. 


My Coaching Page

musashi1584's picture
I didn t download anything

I didn t download anything and i have the remember password on so i never tipe anything in.But what I don t undersand is why don t they send my the money back?They can take the money that was trasfered and send it back to me.It couldn t have been widthdrawn in less then a day.I don t see how this creats a loophole for dishonest players.I don t ask for someone elses money,just mine.It s still on the site.They probably know who the thief is but keeping the money...cuz....why not?I can t belive that after they have a lousy security and loose my money,rather then making everything possible to get my money back as quickly as possible they just say sorry and move on.Not taking action does not creat a loophole eh?

jason kiddo's picture

i know the story pretty well cause i talked to musashi on messenger. it really sucks what happend. i played on stars till 1 week ago when i moved to fulltilt too. now im really scared cause i didnt hear about this before. and fulltilt support really sucks. i send them a mail and they answer in 1-2 days... wtf... on stars i receive an answer in a few hours at most.Also i would like to add that fulltilt can and should punish the ones guilty of doing this. they can easily track the money and get it back. also the players who got hijacked should received the money if fulltilt recover the money from the villains. 

Jason Kiddo on Stars and FullTilt
Myamoto on CAKE POKER

JasonKiddo on Ipoker

RyPac13's picture
I'm sorry to hear about your

I'm sorry to hear about your account.However, it would help if you provide more details.  Almost always when people get their funds compromised it is a result of a person getting access to their email, changing their password and then logging in on their PC.  The other ways I have heard or by viruses targeting poker players specifically, then taking control of their computer.Did any of these things happen to you?My guess is the player the funds were transferred to played legitimately at the tables and lost all the funds.  That's why FTP won't give the money back, because they would be taking the $2,000 out of their own wallet and you could simply have a friend transfer your funds from your account, to another account, then to another account, play high stakes games and if you lost claim it was hacked.  It would be a loophole and cost them a lot of money, so if that is what happened, that's why they are taking the stance that they are (PokerStars does the same thing, as do most poker rooms).However, with more details there may still be hope of getting your money returned.  I'd provide more details for us to analyze, and perhaps then bring it to the attention fo 2p2, but only once you have a plan and the full details, otherwise 2p2 will just be a place for you to vent, rather than a place you can constructively try to get your money back on.

Roamus's picture
take another 2000$ and go

take another 2000$ and go play 2k buy in heads up! wish you good luck! (just kidding man, im sorry to hear about this... hope you can find a real solution, dont quit poker cause of this!)

qattack's picture
I don't know what country you

I don't know what country you are from, but $2000 is a lot to almost anyone from any country.However, so often people from countries like the United States take for granted what that $2000 REALLY means to people in some countries.I have visited the Philippines three times and plan to go back next year and spend a looooong time playing poker in comfort over there. My first trip was five years ago.This is the only country I've ever been to outside the U.S., and while I have seen on TV the situations of poverty in many other countries, I could not fully appreciate the sitatuions that those people are in until I visited the Philippines.While I was there, I learned that if i had to ask if a certain building was a house...it WAS a house. I could literally hold my arms straight out to my side and touch all four walls from the center of some houses.The normal salary there runs at between $4.50 and $6.50 a day, and sometimes the take-home is much less due to government corruption. In the place where stayed during my last visit (population 110,000), the mayor had been in power since 1973. Anyone who ever runs against him "mysteriously" disappears. No, I am not making this up. I heard this from more than a few people separately.Anyway, there is one large employer in the city, a Japanese firm that makes cell phones and some other small electronics. The daily pay is roughly $5.00. The only way to get hired onto this company is through the "agency". This agency collects a 50 pesos per day (more than $1.00!!) employment-finders fee from each worker. Who owns the agency? You guessed it...the mayor. That is $10,000 PER DAY that the mayor is putting into his pocket, less the scant cost of paying his agency workers. After other expenses are taken out of the paycheck, their takehome pay is less than ***$3.00*** a day.Food costs roughly $2.00 per person per day for a decent amount, and many workers are supporting a large family.There is always a huge applicant pool for these jobs, however. I am certain unemployment is WELL over 50% if you count all the people who should be working but have given up. If you are above the age of 35 with no special skills (few there do have special skills), you are unemployable. Age discrimination is the norm. Companies are always looking for ages 18-25, and most often female, as they are more dedicated to their jobs.If you live in a country such as the United States, you cannot possibly appreciate the situations of people in 3rd world countries without visiting these countries yourself for a period of weeks AND mingling with people. The latter is very important to get the full view. If you can develop friendships with the people, it is so much easier to appreciate what they are going through. Even after months of being in the Philippines, I was constantly learning new things about the culture and the hard conditions the people were dealing with.But one nice thing about Filipinos...they are content with what they have. Yes, some are dishonest and swindle and steal, but overall, the population is very happy. Comparing the people there with those in the United States, I would say that usually the Filipinos are happier than the Americans with what they have.I'm very sorry about your loss and I hope that it gets resolved.

dabl's picture
thats sucks, but at least u

thats sucks, but at least u wasnt in situation like this http://www.coinflip.com/news/jon-pearljammer-turner-sees-hacker-blow-his-money-away.html

musashi1584's picture
This really doesn t bring me

This really doesn t bring me confort.to hear that others experianced this as well.I don t know what details to give rypac.I woke up at 9 am to play a bit of poker before going to school as  thought I won t have time after.I tried to register in a 30 regular speed and I couldn t.Didn t know exactly why.....then i look in the cashier and my 1962 dolars have disapaired i was left only with 6(yeeeeyyyy).I tried to email support right away and i had a nice surprise.I had about 4 email s from them.One was a deposit of 10 dolars(don t know who deposited) the other was a widthdraw,but he cancelled it(again,don t know why,maybe he widthdrew to my card and realized it),then he tranfered it to some player.Support tells me that this player is not envolved in this because he had his accout hacked as well.The amount request to tansfer was 2500.I didn t have on my account 2500 just 1962.This happened at 6:47am.I saw it luckly at 9 am because i wanted to play a bit of poker before school.I reported this imediatly.And they replied that they won t refund me.I tried to reason with them,told them to check the IP that it wasn t mine that i never played on that computer etc.Still nothing....I really don t see how i can t quit poker,I m broke and on top of that demoralized.

qattack's picture
Wow, it seems that a LOT of

Wow, it seems that a LOT of transferring from player to player was occuring.Besides all of these reports of FT support being so hard to reach, I would think that red flags would pop up all over the place if money was being transferred amongst so many different accounts, and probably within a very short time period.I was thinking about playing on FT some, but now...UGH! Just the lack of customer support alone is terrible. In the seven years I have been played exclusively on PokerStars. I have always had nothing but the greatest response from PokerStars customer support (except for one series of exchanges where they sent me three form letters in response to something that couldn't possibly be form-lettered, LOL).

musashi1584's picture
Who can i complain to?I mean

Who can i complain to?I mean this is not my fault.If its so easy to hack their security then they should at least warn us.They say that their site is perfectly secure,yet at least 4 accounts were hacked(i read that someone lost 40k,and now this 30k).My loss isn t that big but its alot of money for me.I will contact a lawyer because it seems i can t reason with them.someone told me to go http://www.gamblingcontrol.org/players.phpd .Have no idea of how this will help but we ll see.I wouldn t want this to go to court and i suppose that they don t wan t this either . I tried to make a sort of a deal in which i ll play on the site till i generate 2000 dolars of rake even without reciving rakeback,just so i can get my money back,but still they refused....i see no other alternative.Any sugestions?

RyPac13's picture
Musashi, You just had your

Musashi,You just had your money taken, so you're obviously going to be emotional and nobody can fault you for that.However, I've seen many instances of these types of situations taking place and have never once seen it end up being full tilt being hacked.I would check for a number of things before doing anything else at all.  Emailing support won't help until you know exactly what had happened and why, and until you check on your end and eliminate all possibilities it's inefficient to try to get basic support to figure that out.  Also do not worry about support telling you they can't do anything.  I've seen instances of money being returned, recovered and the opposite, and in almost every case support's first response was always "there's nothing we can do about it."  That's because 99% of the time they get those emails there is not much support can do, as a player's friend or compromised email probably occurs in these situations over 90% of the time and there is really nothing support can do in most of those situations if the money was legitimately lost at the table.But it's best to start by checking into all the stuff that you're capable of, then we can determine not only if a player stole from you, but how he did it and if it's a case where you have a decent chance of having any funds returned.Some things to check for:- Does anybody know the password to your Full Tilt account?  Friends, family, online poker people, etc.- Is your password for FTP the same as your password for anything else?- Scan your computer for viruses.  Malwarebytes, spybot search and destroy, among others, would be a good place to start.  Have you had viruses on your computer before or currently?- Was your email address compromised or accessed in any way?  Was your Full Tilt account password changed at all?- Is there any chance that anybody logged onto your computer while you were asleep?  What locations have you played poker from, aside from your home, in the last 3 months?Start by answering those questions (to yourself or publicly here) and we can start to figure out the likely way that somebody got into your poker account.  It is almost zero chance that somebody hacked into FTP's client and decided to rob an account with 2k in it rather than accounts with 30k, 50k or even 100k+ in them.

musashi1584's picture
i do have the same password

i do have the same password on this site but thats about it.I didn t give my password to anyone not to my family nor my girlfriend no one.My email was not accessed from what i know,and my computer was right besides me while i slept,so noone could acces it without me knowing.this is the player it was trasfered to.If fulltilt wasn t hacked that he was involved in it(in which case support lied).I don t know where the player is from but if he s not romanian than i really don t see how we could have told the same person our password(why?) so that he could do this.It was ether hacked or he was involved as i see it.Fulltilt support has blocked my email adress so i can t even send them anything anymore....nicely done....   Your Player ID:       Alex_Florea   Receiving Player ID:  gigt05       Date and Time:        2010-10-17 23:47:08   Transfer Number:      068035AE   Amount:               $2500.00 (USD)

RyPac13's picture
How did they transfer $2500

How did they transfer $2500 from your account if you only had $2000?That's the part I don't understand (or how/why would they try to transfer $2500 if you only had $2000?).Copy pasting the FTP emails here might also help shed some light on something support said that could be important that you didn't notice or realize was important.Also check your computer for viruses/malicious programs.  Do you download any poker programs aside from the FTP client?  What poker forums do you participate in aside from here?  Have you received any .exe files from any poker players?  Or zip files?

musashi1584's picture
i have found out where did

i have found out where did the extra 500 come from.He played a 500 dolar husng.A friend just told me i was crazy and good thing i won it(he thought i played it).i will paste the messages from fulltilt suportThis is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.   Your Player ID:   Alex_Florea   Date and Time:    2010-10-17 23:29:34   Transfer Number:  0680339E   Payment Method:   Visa   Amount:           $10.00 (USD)   Status:           PROCESSINGYour funds deposit request has been received. Due to the high volume of requests, processing of your deposit request may take between 24 and 48 hours to complete.For further assistance, please visit our website at:  http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/payprocess.phpor contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com.Thank you for playing at Full Tilt Poker==Dear Ioan-Alex Florea, Thank you for your recent deposit on Full Tilt Poker. Please read this email carefully and keep a copy for your records.The details of your transaction are as follows:Payment Method: Visa Amount on your Statement: $10.00 (USD) Description on Your Statement:Full Tilt Poker Deposit Amount: $10.00 (USD) Date and Time: 2010-10-17 23:29:38 Status: ApprovedIf you need to refer to this transaction again our Transfer Number is: 0680339E If you have any further queries please contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com or simply reply to this email.Thanks again, we look forward to seeing you online,Sincerely,Full Tilt PokerThis is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.   Your Player ID:   Alex_Florea   Date and Time:    2010-10-17 23:30:00   Transfer Number:  068033C3   Amount:           $2500.00 (USD)   Status:           PROCESSINGYour withdrawal request has been received. Processing of your withdrawal request may take between 24-48 hours.For further assistance, please visit our website at:  http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/withdrawalor contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com.Thank you for playing at Full Tilt Poker==This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.   Your Player ID:   Alex_Florea   Date and Time:    2010-10-17 23:32:52   Transfer Number:  068033C3   Payment Method:   Visa   Amount:           $2500.00 (USD)   Status:           CANCELLEDYour withdrawal request has been cancelled. Funds previously held for withdrawal have been credited back to your player account.For further assistance, please visit our website at:  http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/withdrawalor contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com.Thank you for playing at Full Tilt PokerThis is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.   Your Player ID:       Alex_Florea   Receiving Player ID:  gigt05       Date and Time:        2010-10-17 23:36:14   Transfer Number:      068035AE   Amount:               $2500.00 (USD)   Status:           PROCESSINGYour player transfer request has been received.   Processing of this transfer request may take between 24-48 hours.For further assistance, please visit our website at:  http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/transfers.phpor contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com.Thank you for playing at Full Tilt PokerThis is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.   Your Player ID:       Alex_Florea   Receiving Player ID:  gigt05       Date and Time:        2010-10-17 23:36:14   Transfer Number:      068035AE   Amount:               $2500.00 (USD)   Status:           PROCESSINGYour player transfer request has been received.   Processing of this transfer request may take between 24-48 hours.For further assistance, please visit our website at:  http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/transfers.phpor contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com.Thank you for playing at Full Tilt PokerThis is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.   Your Player ID:       Alex_Florea   Receiving Player ID:  gigt05       Date and Time:        2010-10-17 23:47:08   Transfer Number:      068035AE   Amount:               $2500.00 (USD)   Status:           APPROVEDThis transfer has been approved. The funds are immediately available to the receiving player.Good Luck!

qattack's picture
The fact that he had $2500

The fact that he had $2500 transferred from his account was the basis for my earlier comment that it appears that money was transferred multiple times.Musashi, you didn't receive any other emails indicating where the additional money came from? i.e. transferred into your account from another account?

musashi1584's picture
no money was trasfered to

no money was trasfered to me,10 dolars were deposited from a visa card.I really hope not my card(but took all my money out just in case he gets a smart idea).Maybe it was his card,and he made a mistake,yet fulltilt isn t willing to investigate at all.Or maybe they ll tell me that i gave him my card number as well,and the keys to my house etc....

jason kiddo's picture

im sure it was your card.dont think its possible to deposit on an account with a card that is not yours ;)

Jason Kiddo on Stars and FullTilt
Myamoto on CAKE POKER

JasonKiddo on Ipoker

RyPac13's picture
What emails did you send FTP

What emails did you send FTP and what did they say to you?

Elemental570's picture
A friend of mine had this

A friend of mine had this happen too.  Well someone got remote access to his computer through his ip somehow and took his money.  The player he was playing hu told him near the end of the match that once they were done he was going to hack his account and take his money.  He thought the player was joking but when he logged back into his FT account the player really did it and left him $0.48 in his account.  After hearing all these stories I'm glad I don't have rakeback at FT and play on pokerstars.

RyPac13's picture
Hacking somebody's IP

Hacking somebody's IP wouldn't have anything to do with playing on FTP or Stars, you'd be screwed on either site.I've heard a similar story, but it was from a player that had clicked a link in an email and accidentally downloaded a keylogger I believe on his computer, after which case the "hacker" on the other end had access to his password.My best advice is to post it on 2p2 in the "Internet Poker" forum there.  State your story start to finish.  Just make sure you realize that you won't get anything by anybody in that forum, if there's an important detail or something else to this story, they will question and berate you until you've told them.  The same goes with anything that doesn't make sense, they will jump on it.  But it's likely the only way you'll get your money back (and just a chance, at that), if FTP did something truly wrong here, they will refund you if you make a stink about it there on 2p2.  You may need to send some more emails (maybe with help from the 2p2 community) but you'll eventually get refunded if FTP is really at fault here.

musashi1584's picture
ok,I did post on 2+2,we ll

ok,I did post on 2+2,we ll see what happens,how it will unfold.I want to ask however,is someone interested in staking me for 30-50 dolar husng game? my account on fulltilt is/was alex_florea (not a big sample at the 20s and 30s but still),and i also have some videos if you want to see how i play etc.send me a privat mesage if you are interested.

musashi1584's picture
We did find out that the

We did find out that the money was withdrawn from gigt05 account...Don t really undersand how they allow a trasfer from a different IP that i never use, at a time that I never play etc, and especially for my entire bankroll. And then after i told them what happened and they say that this guy was compromised too, they allow the hacker to withdraw?It is beyond me....Rypac i saw that you are involved in some kind of staking deal, am I eligible for it?or I don t have the number of games played required?

qattack's picture
I play exclusively on

I play exclusively on PokerStars.I went to the Philippines for a period of 2 1/2 years. Before I left, I sent an email informing them I would be going to the Philippines and asked about having a check mailed there (for $2000+ USD). Checks were only available in USD funds to the Philippines. They said there was no problem with, lots of players received checks (indeed, I see a lot of regulars in lower stakes games from the Philippines).They sent the check FedEx, but I was unable to deposit it in any bank, as the minimum required amount to open a bank account in USD was higher than the check amount at every bank. Incredible for a country where $2000 is over one year's pay for most people!Anyway, after requesting that the check be cancelled and funds put back into my poker account, I again requested a cashout, this time via a check sent to my listed home address in the U.S. (my grandmother's house). At this point, I received an email from PokerStars security requiring me to submit a scanned visa and airplane ticket to prove I was me and playing in the Philippines.I was a little irritated, as the nearest scanner was an hour away, and it would literally be an all-day excursion to find it.But I was also somewhat happy that PS security was looking out for these things. I just thought it was kind of funny that I had sent a series of emails about going to the Philippines, they sent me a check there, and then they asked for proof...Almost two years later, after requesting regular cashouts at least once a month, I AGAIN received an email from PokerStars security. Apparently, they just realized (AGAIN!) that I was playing from a different country and again they asked for my Visa and airplane ticket before they would issue a check! Fortunately, i still had the scans in my email "sent" folder.I just thought it was very strange that after two years of playing from the Philippines that they would suddenly question me again for not playing from the U.S.But anyway, at least PokerStars security is looking out for these kinds of things. I am very hesitant to play on FT if they are not going to pay attention to these obvious security measures. I would think they would have an automated program to send up red flags about this.

RyPac13's picture
I'm not currently doing any

I'm not currently doing any more staking at the moment, the backer in that deal moved on to non poker business ventures.We may have a staking program in the near future.  Otherwise, there are a few promising ones currently ongoing or in the process of beginning and once I have time to fully review them I'll happily make recommendations to anybody that is looking for staking deals.  We'll probably try to get a link exchange or similar thing going with a reliable staker if we don't do any in house (or if any of our coaches don't create a program), that way a community need/want is filled and a quality recommendation is made.Until then, I'd take a look at 2p2's staking subforum (in the marketplace forum on 2p2 I believe).  You'll have to do your homework, but there should be sufficient interest from backers for any good players, provided they check out as a non flight/tilt/scam risk.Please update us on your situation.  I still have not read a single thing that tells me this was your fault, though there are many details still missing (like how your account was compromised, that's the major one).  I don't mean to say you are withholding information or anything like that, I just mean that for whatever reason you either do not know or have not realized how exactly your account was accessed.