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RRReyeMMM's picture
What ABC poker really means?

Hello I thought that I know what ABC poker is but now when my results aren't good so far I def. know that I misunderstood something...Can someone explain me what it is?C-bet on dry board is it still ABC poker?Re-raise against loose-agressive player if he is c-betting every dry board is it ABC poker?Be a loose pre-flop in position is it ABC poker?I need some basic concepts or is here some good video about this?Ok here is what I think that ABC poker is.-be loose-agressive in position pre-flop-be tight out of position and 3bet with AQ+,1010+-c-bet dry boards-how to play oop post-flop is for me mystery cause i am pretty tight-passive and I think that I am missing so much value in these situations-all in all I am folding often and just waiting for a nutsĀ 

qattack's picture
Haha, that's kind of a funny

Haha, that's kind of a funny post to me, because I have been playing this game seriously for 14 years now, and have watched dozens and dozens of videos of all sorts...and I cannot answer "What is ABC poker?"!A general answer to that question would be: Playing in a straightforward manner, betting when you have a hand, folding when you don't.but when it gets right down to it, there is much more than that. And subconsciously, everytime someone has referred to "ABC Poker", I've never REALLY known exactly what that means.Maybe an article on "What is ABC Poker?" would be a benefit to a lot of players.