Hey people,Can anyone tell me what is error 615 on cake.I did not log for a long time. Then today, I tried and I got this error. Do you know what it means?At first, I thought it is because I moved to another country. But that would be surprising no?I reinstalled 5 times but no luck so far. Rebooted comp etc...Any suggestions?Thanks
I did a basic google search and found within the Cake 2p2 support thread a few instances of this happening. The only reference I see is that it is blacklisted, meaning you are not allowed to play there.This is just what I am reading, however, and is by no way a verification or should be treated as completely factual.Email support on cake and ask them what it means and why you received it. If you just moved to another country, they may be blocking your account until they can verify that it is you that is playing there.I know Cake was expanding their security significantly and this may just be a built in protection from players accessing your account from other countries. Let us know what happens.
Yeah, I did the same search but it seems that it does not happen to a lot of people since there was not a lot of information concerning this error.Also, what is weird is that I did not play for a while there (couple of months at least). Then, today made a small deposit (25$), played one HUSNG. Then, I tried to register for another one but one error appeared. It said that I could not join anymore. Then, I tried to log off and log back in. Then, this error 615 showed up. I mean why let me play one game then shut me down after? I did nothing weird, did not speak etc..Yeah, I conctacted them but cake is probably one of the worst customer service out there. They say 20 mins on the website...yeah right! ^^Anyway, thanks for the answer.MR
I'm guessing either moving to a new country or depositing and playing caused some automatic security measure that locked your account.But definitely let us know what happens and what the error code means.
Ok, I got an answer from Cake yesterday asking to send a passport picture, a proof of address and a picture of my credit card. They told me that the security guys at Cake noticed that I logged in my account from another country. That is why they blocked it. Now, it is working just fine; they did it surprisingly very fast.So yeah, error code 615 is when your account is blocked for security reason I figure.