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Roamus's picture
Roamus vs EV: 1-0

Hello everyone,I've just looked for the first time at my EV graph and I'm disappointed to see that during all this times I've been running hotter then I should...  is there something I need to know? Is it normal in heads up cause its more about reads then EV moves? Is there any tool that could help me? (Do you guys use HEM for HU? SnG wiz? Poker Stove?)There is my graph: (http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/6586/evgraphi.png)

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
Not much you really need to

Not much you really need to know besides what you mentioned.  I wouldn't say this is normal, so enjoy it while you can! :)


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kensungrind's picture
If my result graph had once

If my result graph had once in my latest 5000 games been over the result of the EV graph I would be over the moon estatic! I agree with Brent.. Enjoy it while you can and GL. :)