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Roamus's picture
Roamus vs Fish: 2-5 :(

Hi, I've just played versus JUZZO11 on FTP (fish, -21% ROI, -3449$, very linear downswing graph) and he pwned me... I'm like, I need to continue to play agaisnt to find a way to own him, and I just cant, this guy can flat shove when he got a good hand, like 1300 chips in a 200 pot... he was playing so bad, but still owning me, I can take a stab at alots of small pot, but he was winning every big pot... I think I realy need to find a way to own these fish... someone can help me out? (I dont mean to get coach)/Roamus

DonNew's picture
Oh i know the feeling :/! I

Oh i know the feeling :/! I guess when i find out they are major fish (even though im just a break even player LOL) my focus on the game instantly drops. This is of course very bad. You should be just as focused as vs any other player.I also think you can derive alot from timing tells vs fish. They tend to suddenly take a long time when they hit monsters, and tend to slowplay them alot.they also overvalue mid pair/top pair type hands. Its just so important to have a decent kicker if you hit a pair and want to hero call a large bet from those type fish, in order to take down the large pots.

fuseo's picture
I just (copule mins ago)

I just (copule mins ago) shoved pocket 3s (first shove) over a limp for about 13BB. Fish had a think for about 15 seconds then calls with 94o and of course made trip 9s.I think vs fish you need to tighten your range. If they are not folding to c-bets then remove the junk from your range. Top pair is going to be the nuts most the times.It also depends on the type of fish, a passive or aggro fish. Against passive you want to just bet for value (value only).Against aggro its better to let them think they can bluff you, just timing down 3 seconds longer can make them flip out and shove.Fish are also only paying attention to the board and not whats in your range. So if your hand is disguised you can overbet and they will call.Another great place to get value against fish is their 3-bets. Their range includes so many low-mid aces and mid kings, so you want to 4-bet strong aces and kings.I also notice a lot of fish don't 3-bet monsters, why I don't know but it make there 3-bet range even weaker. 

vicesquad26's picture
I just had the same

I just had the same experience... Fish who would call bottom pair all the way so you couldn't bluff him off anything, or would call btm pr and hit 2pr/trips on river etc, would called down ace high on any paired/dry board. He won 5 games in a row on me, until I finally woke up to myself and adjusted. I'm angry at myself for not adjusting sooner, and although I wasn't tilting it was getting frustrating which probably didn't help my mind be clear. So after a while I just took a breath, stopped for a second and thought "how can I beat this guy?" and came up with a plan which worked.I did what you should do against loose fish (which i should have picked up after the 2nd match) - I stoppped raising so much pre, I started raising 4x pre when I had a good hand for value, also bet close to full pot when I hit the board well, and as he loved calling down with a/k high i would valuebet 2nd/3rd pair alot too. Just beat him by playing basic, solid poker. I won my 5 games back and he insta-quit, so I donated a heap of rake to FTP tonight. GG FTP :PI think at times we try too hard to outplay people who we feel we have an edge on. Usually it is best to just play basic poker - let them make mistakes instead of trying to run through them. Sometimes our ego stops us from seeing the logical answer on how to win.

Pchelkin R's picture
nice post Roamus

nice post Roamus


Roamus's picture
I was just piss :P

I was just piss :P