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Jamjoe's picture
Moving Up in Super Turbos

General question on moving up in STs.What's the advise on moving up?With the increased required BR (100), and the decreased ROI (2-4%) it seems that you would have to play ~4000 games to just move up 1 level. As opposed to maybe 400 games at reg speed.Given that +100 BIs seems to be the requirement for a professional... What would people recommend as the minimum/aggressive bankroll requirement for moving up in STs given the fact you will move up/down as your roll changes?

Roamus's picture


RyPac13's picture
The way I personally would

The way I personally would approach it if I wanted to do nothing but play super turbos for awhile, would be to use a half-kelly (kelly criterion for reference) approach and just move up or down as my bankroll dictates.This would allow me to maximize my potential as I move up, while still minimizing any risk of ruin, as I'd be moving down quite rapidly on terrible downswings.Not everybody has the mentality to handle moving up and down very fast, and it can be -EV if you really have no idea of your edges or how you handle playing newer and higher buyin levels or moving down too far and feeling worse because of it (though this latter one likely needs to be fixed if you want success at poker in any game long term).So, short answer, move up fairly aggressively and on a short roll if you have the mental flexibility to move down during bad runs, otherwise stick to the conservative bankroll advice of 50-100 type bbs.

genher's picture
half a kelly usually work out

half a kelly usually work out to be 50 BB in these anyways.