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joeblow's picture
Sharkscope subscription...

Is it worth the $30/mo?

RyPac13's picture
From the site: "SharkScope is

From the site: "SharkScope is available from $11.99 per month allowing up to 150 searches per day or for a flat fee of $9.99 allowing a total of 200 searches over any period of time. Both options are in addition to the 5 free a day."It's not necessary at the $5-20 level really, I feel it really can intimidate and distract as many players as it gives them legitimate information.  At higher stakes I think it's useful, and if you want to purchase it, as long as you don't obsess over your own stats or get intimidated when facing a winning player (I've done both when I began playing husngs), it's a pretty solid value.

Xerxes's picture
I would suggest getting the

I would suggest getting the flat 200 searches and just use the 5 free searches each day.  Having that package allows you to take advantage of the advanced search features you don't get without a subscription and you don't have to keep paying each month.