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athanatos's picture
what to do against light 3bettors

 I'm curious as to what would be optimal against a villain who is 3betting light when you hold hands such as Q7s, J9s, K8o, etc.. Should I be 4betting (and what sizes?) or flatting with these hands, or just narrowing my opening range (which I don't like the idea of)? I'm sure that how they are playing post flop matters, so let's assume that they are fairly aggressive post flop but not maniacs.  

Il Monk's picture
I would flat hands like Q7s,

I would flat hands like Q7s, J9s, en K8 and look how they play in 3bet pots. I would like to 4bet shove hands like A5s+ and A7o+

Nomboo's picture

widen your 4 bet shove range maybe? limp call a raise pf with good but not great hands

chugenemes's picture
If someone is 3betting you

If someone is 3betting you light than you should tighten your opening range.work out their 3betting range, estimate their 4bet shove calling range than use either insane steve's endgame calc or the equatioin in primo advanced concepts, put in the hands your having trouble with and see how they do.also a stop'n'go can be effective against light 3bettors.