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sierikas's picture
22$ turbo PS Tight villain

Hey, what do you think about such play?Villain is tight OOP, rarely raise his button, very start of match.   No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$22+$1 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero1715 BBDarkColt1231285  Effective Stacks: 64bb Blinds 10/20

  • Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is SB

Hero raises to 60, DarkColt123 raises to 200, Hero calls 140

  • Flop (400, 2 players)

DarkColt123 bets 160, Hero raises to 360, DarkColt123 goes all-in 1085, Hero calls 725

  • Turn (2570, 2 players, 1 all-in)
  • River (2570, 2 players, 1 all-in)
  • Final Pot: 2570
  • Hero shows two pair, Kings and Queens
  • DarkColt123 shows a pair of Kings
  • Hero wins 2570 ( won +1285 )
  • DarkColt123 lost -1285
sierikas's picture
Oh, such a bad play from my

Oh, such a bad play from my side....

sierikas's picture
I put him on {TT+, AQs+,

I put him on {TT+, AQs+, KJs+, AQo+, KQo} handrange postflop after his 3bet pre.Board: 4s Ks 2c59.573%      53.49%     06.08%              26480          3008.50   { KdQc }40.427%      34.35%     06.08%              17003          3008.50   { TT+, AQs+, KJs+, AQo+, KQo }

RyPac13's picture
You basically have 33% equity

You basically have 33% equity vs those hands preflop as it is, so the call is quite close.  Given stack depth and the liklihood that your opponent will probably be able to extract value more easily when you both hit (AQ, AK, KK, QQ, AA vs KQ on flops you both hit) compared to when you are beating them (pair of K or pair of Q or straight versus TT, JJ, ace high) leads me to believe that given your assumptions of his preflop 3bet range you should actually fold preflop. 

sierikas's picture
Postflop it's very unlikely

Postflop it's very unlikely that opponent's range contains KK or AK (there is only 1 combo of KK and 8 combos of AK). I think his range is more likely like middle pair, flush draw, JJ, QQ, AA. But given his preflop actions, AK is very likely...

RyPac13's picture
Yes, but if you put him on a

Yes, but if you put him on a range of TT+, KQ, AQ+, KJs then he can't have middle pair here (aside from TT, JJ, QQ).Then you look at actions, and the small bet + reraise shove indicates a stronger hand than a weaker one in my opinion, making TT, JJ, QQ much less likely than a Kx hand, even considering less hand combinations.Hand combinations are very good to look at, just make sure you don't base your decision purely on how many combinations are possible.For example, if a player takes an action 25% of the time with a hand that has 12 combinations and 100% of the time with a hand that has 6 combinations, you're going to see the 6 hand combination type hand 2x as often (12 combinations at 25% is 3 hand combos, 6 hand combinations at 100% is 6 hand combos).  So you need to not only know the hand combinations, but you also need to factor in how likely it is he will take a line with that sort of pair/hand to get the most accurate information.Let me back up a little bit though.  It looks like I misinterpreted what you said earlier in the post.  I thought you meant you put him on a 3bet range that narrow, in which case I replied you should technically fold to his 3bet.  It appears that you're talking about his postflop range after he shoves you on.What do you think about his preflop 3betting range?Do you know anything about his bet sizing?  What about his bluffing frequency or any other relevant info about bluffs?I think we can figure out which line is best with that sort of information, and make some basic assumptions if you don't have that information to arrive at the best decision possible.

sierikas's picture
Ryan, As I menitoned, it was

Ryan,As I menitoned, it was early in the match, hand 10 or so, he was VERY tight, and IMHO , my biggest mistake was call of his 3 bet preflop.Preflop I think his WIDEST 3bet range would be like: {77+, KJs+, KQo+, AJs+, AQo+} and given his flop shove is very polarized, I mean, the best I could see is nutflusdraw. And I got fancy, called his shove and sucked out. luckbox me :) My usuall stake now is 6 turbo, as I play such stakes, people usually shoves very wide on such boards.

sierikas's picture
Actually, I made my birthday

Actually, I made my birthday "one time game" and sucked out... so. I promise, will think about this move tommorow and reply about my thoughts. Have a good times u all !

Boulases's picture
Rypac13 ---- ) rep + obv 

Rypac13 ---- ) rep + obv