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happy's picture
Flop two pair vs tight passive player who jams the river

2dollar turbo Husng on FtpThis is hand number 14. and this is the first time villian calls OOP, He have been either minraising, 3xing or folding on his button and he check/folded on the flop once and the turn once Can't get the hand converter to convert properly so have written it my self Blinds 15/30 eff. stack 1230 / 41BBHero: sbVillian: BB-Hero: Q6oHero raises to 60 and villian calls Flop : 68QccVillian checks , Hero bets 80 into 120, Villian callsTurn: 9hvillian checks, hero bets 200 into 280, villian callsRiver: 9sVillian overbet jams 920 into 680, Hero folds My own thoughts:Preflop: standardFlop: hes been pretty passive so possible checking behind here and let him catch could have been an option i think, but i decided to bet to build the potTurn: When he calls and then checks the turn i'm putting him on Qx maybe two pair and possible draws like JT maybe 57, and 79 tho i think he would have folded that pre since he haven't called oop yet. But when he checks i decide to bet for value since there is alot of Qx's that will callRiver:When he decides to jam the only hands i think that makes sense is JT,Q-6-8-9, so i decide to fold so let me hear how far am i off  

crstn's picture
I think you have played the

I think you have played the hand fine. The only strange thing is his overbest jam on the river; I can't see nothing you can beat beside the busted flush draw. There are more hands that makes sense imo. 109, slowplayed 88 (typical in low limit husngs), people don't read board textures.I think you never can call this river. 

cog dissonance's picture
Ask yourself what you're

Ask yourself what you're beating? You're 2 pair are cunterfeited by the 2nd pair, so you now have kikcer problems, plus straits and trips/full houses are now an issue. Unless the guy is a maniac this is a pretty easy fold.

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1