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nicoasp's picture
Custom table settings on FTP

Hey,I think the title might be a bit off. What I'm looking for is this:Is there a way to set up a custom setting for 2 tables so that every time I open new tables, in addition to putting them in the positions I want them to (which is easy) the player notes window also opens and goes into the standard position and size I want it to be in?Don't know if I explained myself well, and maybe there's no way to do it, but it'd be extremely helpfull to me if it can be done.

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
No, you have to open the

No, you have to open the player notes each time.


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nicoasp's picture
Thanks Itried, Damn. Also no

Thanks Itried,Damn. Also no way for them to have a different size and/or position once you do open them right?