I notice in mers' videos he talks a lot about being aggressive OOP in limped pots. I'd like to improve in this area, and was wondering if there were any videos that discuss this at length, either through the spots that come up or specific theory.Thanks!
http://www.husng.com/content/hokiegreg-video-31-1130-level-match-reviewThat's HokieGreg Video 31. He discusses some limped pot situations and strategies within that video I believe.There's likely talk throughout videos from myself and Hokie in particular about playing OOP in limped pots. Mersenneary's videos should give you a good idea about the mid to end game situations OOP in limped pots as well. I'd start with his BB video and go from there.This isn't something that is often specifically mentioned in descriptions, but should be present in a number of videos. Let me know if that helps.
Thanks Ry, I'll those out.