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babyfeeg's picture
Turbo Sngs

Hello I have been grinding super turbos normally and have been dabbling in turbos and I was wondering on the best video or advice on deciding weather to 3x raise or minraise above 30bbs preflop and what oppenents it is best to do either one thanks...

babyfeeg's picture
Just to clarify my standard

Just to clarify my standard raise pre has been a minraise but my concern is i often come across players who flat call 100 percent of hands to a minraise and have been having trouble handling looser opponents and have been wondering if tightening my raising range and 3xing to exploit them if there calling range is goo out of control and just 3xing my midstrength value hands as well if this helps to point me to some videos possibly handling loose '/ aggressive opponents who donk bet the flop often as well because my minraising seems to run into some trouble there even though they are still not strong players i still find myself folding to often post flop at times...

thepuminator's picture
Im not sure about what videos

Im not sure about what videos to watch. However in general you should be 3xing vs people who are defending lots of hands and not 3betting a lot. You can take lots of pots away post flop because their range will be so wide. You should 2x vs people who are 3betting a lot/not calling a lot oop so that you can call their 3bets looser or bleed less chips while waiting for a premium.