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chaosad's picture
11.50$ 99 vs allin push pre

This was hand 4 of the game. On the second he c/r me big on the flop and i must fold.My problem is here could i call this allin push? It makes no sense to push allin with a hand like AA -JJBut most of the time he holds here AK-AJs and i have only a coinflip. so easy fold or call?BTNhero1,360 BBenzi261,640 Blinds 10/20

  • Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)Hero is BTN

hero raises to 60, enzi26 goes all-in 1,640, hero calls 1,300

RyPac13's picture
Since you've seen some

Since you've seen some aggression and 99 is already going to be a close fold at best, I would call here.The chances of A9 or worse or a lower PP or air are usually greater than seeing TT+ when you've seen some aggression and you see a shove this early.

blueclcl's picture
I think it could go either

I think it could go either way being so early in the game,but I would listen to RyPac13 advice before mine if am honest!