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andredaking's picture
AA early, its a fold right?

early, no reads...should bet less on the river if im not calling a shove right?how bad is this?tyNo Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$6.00+$0.25 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBtakimochi1460  BBHero1540  Effective Stacks: 73bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB takimochi calls 10, Hero raises to 70, takimochi calls 50 Flop (140, 2 players) Hero bets 100, takimochi calls 100 Turn (340, 2 players) Hero bets 220, takimochi calls 220 River (780, 2 players) Hero bets 400, takimochi goes all-in 1070, Hero folds Final Pot: 2250 takimochi wins 2250 ( won +790 ) Hero lost -790

ChrisBroholm's picture
I'm not sure I would bet the

I'm not sure I would bet the river if I weren't to call a shove, what could he possible have that just limps in? I would say his range is quite heavily weight towards the flushdraw, in a vacuum anyway. Without reads on what he limps i think i prefer c/c or c/f to be honest, when people wake up like this on the river its usually because they slowplayed something, and very rarely something as weak as K9, KJ which we still have no idea if he limps. My default is probabably to check and call a reasonably sized bet, but folding seems good tbh.

breakroomgrinder's picture
Calling this in the 6s.

Calling this in the 6s.  Definitely not thrilled about it but you're ahead enough.

Boulases's picture
Good Play ... 

Good Play ... 

RyPac13's picture
Agreed with the other

Agreed with the other comments.Remember, it may feel bad to lose here over half the time, but if you're taking this pot down 40% of the time you're much better off calling than folding (chips in the pot!), so it's something that might not feel as comfortable on first glance.  Just don't forget those pot odds!

Time2Cash's picture
I actually disagree. i dont

I actually disagree. i dont see any hand (except for a rare lost spwe-bluff) to be raising here with a hand that you beat. I liek the valuebet to get calls from Kx, but even with the odds you're getting, i don't see why you should call here.

mrbambocha's picture
I would bet the T bigger

I would bet the T bigger because the board havent changed except the flush that might got there.I would VB river less because there isn't much he can call a big bet with and protecting us from VB our selfs.I think we are beaten a lot here on R, seldom se any villian push the R with air/TP when we bet all streets.I dont know if we can fold, maybe call and just have a good laugh when you see the cards that he limp-called with. 

nariman44's picture
good fold

Good Fold, he had at least 2 two, I mean he beat your Pair for sure. unless he was too advanced or too donkey to make a move like that which none of them justifies bluffing like that on the first hand of the match. so good fold

Meano101's picture
i like a smaller river bet to

i like a smaller river bet to let him call w/8x, folding to the raise. 

kukulcan's picture
i dunno - i have seen so many

i dunno - i have seen so many fish at this level, even one level higher to go with such a line just with tp good kicker.i would call that river without further reads, especially if it would be the 1st or 2nd hand in.  

ChaseTh3Ace's picture
without reads im calling, if

without reads im calling, if i had a read villian was tight then i could fold, whether im correct to fold with reads is something else :)

RyPac13's picture
If you end up just auto

If you end up just auto calling in spots like this and either don't consider your reads or aren't paying attention closely, you can end up losing in these spots a very high % of the time.  But that doesn't make folding here automatically correct by default, as you'd see a much better win to loss ratio if you paid attention to reads and folded against the tighter opponents, of which you can be beat 90%+ of the time against (but readless may only be 50% for instance).Just throwing that out there.