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DareDevil-G's picture
DareDevil-G's corner of Practise

Hello grinders,Here I am going to post some Super turbo and Turbo speed HU hands and questions.GL!

DareDevil-G's picture
First hand, no history.1)

First hand, no history.1) ship pre vs 3x, no?2) Flop ch/shove, many random hi cards can play from his side like that? As what I have seen, first hand spew is standard and he can think I can't have a big piece of that flop either. :)(what hand converter to use if I take hands from HEM?)http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1302354

mersenneary's picture
Readless, I'm not jamming pre

Readless, I'm not jamming pre - I think people's 3xing ranges tend to be somewhat tighter and it's a mistake to assume he's 3xing 40%+, imo. I would flat or even fold with your hand. I'm fine with check/shoving flop.using handconverter.com and linking like that works fine by me.

DareDevil-G's picture
Okey.And if I think about

Okey.And if I think about that, then yeah, you are right about first hand 3x's can be stronger than regular range cos he can think that we don't know anything about him. That's pretty standard. (Unless fast scope [what is illegal :)] shows fishbowl) :D1 more thing about that hand.. How do you play it when villian std. pre raise is 3x B20, like still readless, but opened last 3 btn's 3x. And another hand.. I have a bad feeling that I played it wrong at some point, but where.. and river dec.? Need help.And what the heck can he have here? Ah is out of range, this would bet turn.http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1303184

mersenneary's picture
I'd jam given those

I'd jam given those reads.http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1303184I'd jam pre vs almost everybody. As played I'd c/r flop and get it in. As played I guess I'd fold river but I don't mind the call.

DareDevil-G's picture
How to you play vs villian

How to you play vs villian who is huge limptard and limp/calls about 75% of hands?What i did was shoving 22-99, A2+, K8s-KTs, KJ, QJs, QJ??. 3x'ing rest of good hands.

mersenneary's picture
Give me a stack depth?

Give me a stack depth?

DareDevil-G's picture
1) First level 18-25bb2)

1) 18-25bb2) 14-18bb3) 10-14bb4) ...-10bb

mersenneary's picture
18-25bb deep you can jam weak

18-25bb deep you can jam weak aces and weak pocket pairs, particularly closer to 18bb. The rest of your range is great for 3xing, 3.5x generally works best with strong Ax because you want to decrease their odds for calling because Ax doesn't play nearly as well postflop as say KJ. Once you get down under 15bb more of those weak-ish Kx hands in your raising range become shoves.