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Zeitgeist85's picture
villain is a fish, very loose

villain is a fish, very loose and passive when he has some equity like gutshot or 2nd pair. sometimes he stabs when I miss to cbet but not always. He has a raising range and a limp/folding range.Cbet or not? if yes, would you 2nd barrel on Qc? I generally fire again with the King of club$10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBkinokkio$1815.00  BBHero$1185.00  Effective Stacks: 59bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is BB kinokkio calls $10.00, Hero raises to $60.00, kinokkio calls $40.00 Flop ($120.00, 2 players) Hero bets $60.00, kinokkio calls $60.00 Turn ($240.00, 2 players) Hero checks, kinokkio bets $120.00, Hero folds Final Pot: $360.00 kinokkio wins $360.00 ( won +$120.00 ) Hero lost -$120.00 $10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBkinokkio$1815.00 BBHero$1185.00 Effective Stacks: 59bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is BB kinokkio calls $10.00, Hero raises to $60.00, kinokkio calls $40.00 Flop ($120.00, 2 players) Hero bets $60.00, kinokkio calls $60.00 Turn ($240.00, 2 players) Hero checks, kinokkio bets $120.00, Hero folds Final Pot: $360.00 kinokkio wins $360.00 ( won +$120.00 ) Hero lost -$120.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
I've just copied the Yoni

I've just copied the Yoni question. I'd like to know your opinion about my stake (more fishes) and the fact that I play 75bb deep the first handsSay we play a 20$ or 30$ FTP/euro normal game.first hand we minraise, villian folds. second hand villian minraises his button. third hand we raise, villian 3bets.1. What in your opinion should be our 4betting range and our defending range, if villian 3bets from 60 to 180, 75BB stacks.2. What should be our folding range vs a 3bet from 60 to 120.

mersenneary's picture
I would generally double

I would generally double barrel with the club draw, yes. Should be enough 9x/6x/other stuff that we fold out on this turn.I'd check behind with the J2 readless. I think he's continuing more often with his weak pairs on this board, as compared to the other one.

mersenneary's picture
I think the KJ hand is played

I think the KJ hand is played well, nh. Turn is pretty close but I'm fine with folding. 

mersenneary's picture
Say we play a 20$ or 30$

Say we play a 20$ or 30$ FTP/euro normal game. first hand we minraise, villian folds. second hand villian minraises his button. third hand we raise, villian 3bets. 1. What in your opinion should be our 4betting range and our defending range, if villian 3bets from 60 to 180, 75BB stacks.  If we open to t60 and get 3bet to 180 I expect a pretty similar range readless than if we minraise in turbos and our opponent 3bets to 180 first hand. My ranges here would be pretty close to identical although I'd probably fold 22-44. I assume we're talking 1500 effective.

mersenneary's picture
As for folding to 120, I'd

As for folding to 120, I'd fold J4o-, Q4o-, 94o-, really just the trash that has no straight draw/flush draw equity.

Zeitgeist85's picture
So now I realize I'm super

So now I realize I'm super nitty pre flop against 3bet. My standard open 10-20 is t50 (I like 2.5 very much, so my standard cbet is from 50 to 70 depending on villain/texture) When I face a 3bet 50 -> 140+, here is my range (early/without history)I flat AJs/AJo/KQs/KQo/KJs/KJo/KTs/ATs/ATo/A9s/66-774bet AQo+/88+I generally snapfold A8o,KTo. I'm very unconfortable postflop without specific reads. Do you think is a leak? 

mersenneary's picture
Yes, I think that's a

Yes, I think that's a signifiant leak. You should learn to be more comfortable postflop readless! A8o and KTo need to be played. My call a 3bet range readless from 50 to 140 would be something like this:Some of these hands we fold to somewhat larger 3bets.Widen up your callign range this month and post some hands when you get confused. Let's get you more comfortable.

Zeitgeist85's picture
Btw I forgot to mention

Btw I forgot to mention QJo/QJs/JTs/9Ts/89s (I flat those hands) Today I'll try with worse Ax and worse connectors... I'm feeling a maniac by flatting 97o readless lol... can you argue something more about your call to 3b range?

Zeitgeist85's picture
The range you've posted is

The range you've posted is probably my flatting range against a 35%+ 3bettor :( 

mersenneary's picture
50 -> 140, we're deep enough

50 -> 140, we're deep enough that we can call and utilize our positional advantage very well with all sorts of hands. Especially all the suited connected stuff, we have to continue this deep. Folding KTo and stuff is way too weak. All I can suggest is try it out and post hands where you're uncomfortable and start building on your postflop skills.

Zeitgeist85's picture
Villain is super weak

Villain is super weak passive, he folds a lot of 2nd barrel, he minbets weak sd value/good hands and folds to a raise very often, but he also he made some loose call otr with 2nd pair. First 3bet for him in 2 games, lol size Do you think I have to make him fold Ax/Kx ?$10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero$2430.00  BBgioman12$570.00  Effective Stacks: 29bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to $40.00, gioman12 raises to $60.00, Hero calls $20.00 Flop ($120.00, 2 players) gioman12 checks, Hero checks Turn ($120.00, 2 players) gioman12 checks, Hero bets $80.00, gioman12 calls $80.00 River ($280.00, 2 players) gioman12 checks, Hero checks Final Pot: $280.00 Hero shows gioman12 shows a pair of Nines gioman12 wins $280.00 ( won +$140.00 ) Hero lost -$140.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
Same weak passive guy, he has

Same weak passive guy, he has donked before bigger with good hands, but even with weak hands. Raise or call?  $10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero$2120.00  BBgioman12$880.00  Effective Stacks: 44bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to $50.00, gioman12 calls $30.00 Flop ($100.00, 2 players) gioman12 checks, Hero bets $50.00, gioman12 calls $50.00 Turn ($200.00, 2 players) gioman12 checks, Hero bets $100.00, gioman12 calls $100.00 River ($400.00, 2 players) gioman12 bets $40.00 Final Pot: $440.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
same passive guy, cbet or

same passive guy, cbet or not?   $10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero$2050.00  SBgioman12$950.00  Effective Stacks: 48bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is BB gioman12 calls $10.00, Hero raises to $60.00, gioman12 calls $40.00 Flop ($120.00, 2 players) Hero bets $60.00, gioman12 folds Final Pot: $180.00 Hero wins $180.00 ( won +$60.00 ) gioman12 lost -$60.00

mersenneary's picture
I think betting turn and not

I think betting turn and not betting river with the 78 is pretty bad, I really don't think we fold that much out on the turn when it pairs. That said, I would usually not contest at all, believing that we don't fold out stuff enough with two streets, either. But once you bet turn you have to follow through on river, imo.I'd definitely put in a small raise on the river with the Kx. This is going to be a worse pair hoping for a cheap showdown much more often than a better hand.With the 66, the fact that he's donking some weaker pairs means that his range is going to have more air in it, and I would definitely c-bet. Against players who are passive and you're not worried about getting bluffraised, I would bet t45 on this flop - that's all you really need to accomplish what you want to accomplish.

Zeitgeist85's picture
I think betting turn and not

I think betting turn and not betting river with the 78 is pretty bad, I really don't think we fold that much out on the turn when it pairs. That said, I would usually not contest at all, believing that we don't fold out stuff enough with two streets, either. But once you bet turn you have to follow through on river, imo. Perfectly agreed. I had the stupid feeling that the 5 of spades was too blank to barrel, but turn was even worse. Is generally a mistake stabbing the turn and give up on the river with air or do you sometimes take it in account?

mersenneary's picture
It's definitely correct a lot

It's definitely correct a lot of the time to only take one stab. Just not on this turn where the board pairs and most of his range has showdown value and isn't folding, imo.

Zeitgeist85's picture
great review mers, so my most

great review mers, so my most common mistakes are:- fail to cbet dry board with air (without showdown value) because I'm afraid of the spewy and loosy tendencies of villain- undersized 3bet with good-but-non-monster hands 

mersenneary's picture
Yep, those were two of the

Yep, those were two of the biggest things that came out of that review.

Zeitgeist85's picture
which is you favorite HUD set

which is you favorite HUD set up for turbo hu sng? (not superturbo)any advices for a correct interpretation of the stats?

mersenneary's picture
This is the HUD I use - you

This is the HUD I use - you can customise it to make it bigger or smallerhttp://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/185/heads-up-sng/awesome-hud-v2-free-1...Just be aware of sample when you make adjustments. Really hone in on opening range and BB VPIP, those change a ton of decisions.

Zeitgeist85's picture
I play 90% fo the match vs

I play 90% fo the match vs unknown, what do you think about my general samle size? :) is 30 hands relevant for 3b  or cbet?

mersenneary's picture
One hand tells you something.

One hand tells you something. It's all a continuum.Seeing that an opponent has 3bet 2 out of 4 times is information. It doesn't mean the same as 200 out of 400, but you can already start adjusting.

Zeitgeist85's picture
I'm going to post some hands

I'm going to post some hands from the same villain, in order of happening he limped and folded to cbet 2/2, on the third cbet he called and he overbets river when I check back turn, I think he's a fish

$10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players
Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter


Effective Stacks: 66bb
Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players)
Hero is BB

TEO75CESENA calls $10.00, Hero checks

Flop ($40.00, 2 players)

Hero bets $30.00, TEO75CESENA calls $30.00

Turn ($100.00, 2 players)

Hero bets $60.00, TEO75CESENA calls $60.00

River ($220.00, 2 players)

Hero bets $90.00, TEO75CESENA calls $90.00

Final Pot: $400.00
Hero shows two pair, Queens and Tens


Hero wins $400.00 ( won +$200.00 )
TEO75CESENA lost -$200.00

       $10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero$1870.00  SBTEO75CESENA$1130.00  Effective Stacks: 57bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is BB TEO75CESENA raises to $60.00, Hero calls $40.00 Flop ($120.00, 2 players) Hero bets $80.00, TEO75CESENA calls $80.00 Turn ($280.00, 2 players) Hero checks, TEO75CESENA checks River ($280.00, 2 players) Hero checks, TEO75CESENA bets $120.00, Hero calls $120.00 Final Pot: $520.00 Hero shows a pair of Tens TEO75CESENA shows high card Ace Hero wins $520.00 ( won +$260.00 ) TEO75CESENA lost -$260.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
he cbetted 2x pot two times

he cbetted 2x pot two times after those hands (i folded) than he check flop, check/shoved turn (Q387r) and he folded to all other my cbet (I cbetted a lot, I think my image is pretty aggressive so far) just one c/minraise so far.  $10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero$2190.00  BBTEO75CESENA$810.00  Effective Stacks: 41bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to $50.00, TEO75CESENA calls $30.00   Flop ($100.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA checks, Hero checks   Turn ($100.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA checks, Hero bets $50.00, TEO75CESENA calls $50.00   River ($200.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA checks, Hero checks   Final Pot: $200.00 Hero shows a flush, Jack high TEO75CESENA shows high card King Hero wins $200.00 ( won +$100.00 ) TEO75CESENA lost -$100.00 

Zeitgeist85's picture
2nd c/r (now bigger) he's

2nd c/r (now bigger)he's calling a lot oop (close to 80%), limping 50% and he has 2 opening size: 2x and 3x    $15/$30 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero$1950.00  BBTEO75CESENA$1050.00  Effective Stacks: 35bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to $60.00, TEO75CESENA calls $30.00 Flop ($120.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA checks, Hero bets $60.00, TEO75CESENA raises to $240.00, Hero calls $180.00 Turn ($600.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA goes all-in $750.00, Hero folds Final Pot: $1350.00 TEO75CESENA wins $1350.00 ( won +$300.00 ) Hero lost -$300.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
$15/$30 No Limit Holdem • 2

would you mind a lead here? he's betting quite often on PFR, expecially 3x $15/$30 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero$1710.00  SBTEO75CESENA$1290.00  Effective Stacks: 43bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is BB TEO75CESENA raises to $90.00, Hero calls $60.00 Flop ($180.00, 2 players) Hero checks, TEO75CESENA bets $60.00, Hero calls $60.00 Turn ($300.00, 2 players) Hero checks, TEO75CESENA bets $180.00, Hero calls $180.00 River ($660.00, 2 players) Hero checks, TEO75CESENA checks Final Pot: $660.00 Hero shows a pair of Nines TEO75CESENA shows Hero wins $660.00 ( won +$330.00 ) TEO75CESENA lost -$330.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
standard vs him?   $15/$30

standard vs him?  $15/$30 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero$1965.00  BBTEO75CESENA$1035.00  Effective Stacks: 35bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to $60.00, TEO75CESENA calls $30.00 Flop ($120.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA checks, Hero checks Turn ($120.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA bets $60.00, Hero folds  

Zeitgeist85's picture
$25/$50 No Limit Holdem • 2

$25/$50 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players
Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter


Effective Stacks: 20bb
Pre-Flop ($75.00, 2 players)
Hero is SB

Hero raises to $100.00, TEO75CESENA raises to $200.00, Hero folds

Final Pot: $300.00
TEO75CESENA wins $300.00 ( won +$100.00 )
Hero lost -$100.00

$25/$50 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero$1855.00  BBTEO75CESENA$1145.00  Effective Stacks: 23bb Pre-Flop ($75.00, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to $100.00, TEO75CESENA calls $50.00 Flop ($200.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA checks, Hero bets $100.00, TEO75CESENA calls $100.00 Turn ($400.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA checks, Hero checks River ($400.00, 2 players) TEO75CESENA checks, Hero checks Final Pot: $400.00 Hero shows a pair of Fives TEO75CESENA shows a pair of Threes Hero wins $400.00 ( won +$200.00 ) TEO75CESENA lost -$200.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
^ I'm supernitty in those

^ I'm supernitty in those preflop spot (with K8o) it was his first 3bet. What about if I had KTo? and what about if I had K7 suited?

mersenneary's picture
Q3 line looks fine. I'd

Q3 line looks fine.I'd check/call the T9 without reads that he's c-betting a low frequency. As played I would likely bet turn for value, but checking is OK, and you have to pay off the river bet.The 9c9x hand is definitely a river value bet - you're missing out on a lot of value there, especially against a stationy player.The J9 peel is marginal but OK.Again with 96, I think check/calling is best on the flop with top pair poor kicker here without reads that he c-bets a low frequency. Hand is played well.I think that flop with the T9 is still good enough to continuation bet, especially given that he's been folding to them.

Zeitgeist85's picture
just bump for the last two

just bump for the last two hands :)

mersenneary's picture
Yeah, I think you definitely

Yeah, I think you definitely have to call the small 3bet with K8. Yes, his range is going to be pretty strong, but we're just getting too good odds in position. I'm calling all the way down to K5o and all suited kings.With the K5, I think you should valuebet the river. The vast majority of his range is going to be worse hands than yours, and I think a small value bet gets a lot of value from worse pairs.

Zeitgeist85's picture
Villain limps first hand,

Villain limps first hand, fold to my stab on the turn2nd hand he flat pre, c/minr flop 23Tss 3rd hand, he limps again, this is hand #4:   

$10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players
Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter


Effective Stacks: 72bb
Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players)
Hero is SB

Hero raises to $50.00, 13loris calls $30.00

Flop ($100.00, 2 players)

13loris checks, Hero bets $50.00, 13loris calls $50.00

Turn ($200.00, 2 players)

13loris checks, Hero bets $150.00, 13loris calls $150.00

River ($500.00, 2 players)

13loris bets $20.00, Hero raises to $290.00

Final Pot: $810.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
^spoiler hand above: he

^spoiler hand above: he folded  few hands later, he openlimps 100%, very passive, a bit station   $10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BB13loris$1280.00  SBHero$1720.00  Effective Stacks: 64bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to $50.00, 13loris calls $30.00 Flop ($100.00, 2 players) 13loris checks, Hero bets $50.00, 13loris calls $50.00 Turn ($200.00, 2 players) 13loris checks, Hero checks River ($200.00, 2 players) 13loris checks, Hero checks  

Zeitgeist85's picture
same guy      $10/$20 No

same guy   

$10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players
Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter


Effective Stacks: 61bb
Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players)
Hero is BB

13loris calls $10.00, Hero checks

Flop ($40.00, 2 players)

Hero checks, 13loris bets $60.00, Hero calls $60.00

Turn ($160.00, 2 players)

Hero checks, 13loris bets $20.00, Hero calls $20.00

River ($200.00, 2 players)

Hero checks, 13loris checks

Final Pot: $200.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
same guy, nothing relevant so

same guy, nothing relevant so farspoiler hand above: he has tptk  

$10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players
Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter


Effective Stacks: 56bb
Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players)
Hero is BB

13loris calls $10.00, Hero raises to $60.00, 13loris calls $40.00

Flop ($120.00, 2 players)

Hero bets $60.00, 13loris calls $60.00

Turn ($240.00, 2 players)

Hero bets $120.00, 13loris calls $120.00

River ($480.00, 2 players)

Hero bets $200.00, 13loris folds

Final Pot: $680.00
Hero wins $680.00 ( won +$240.00 )
13loris lost -$240.00

Zeitgeist85's picture
$15/$30 No Limit Holdem • 2

$15/$30 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players
Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter


Effective Stacks: 37bb
Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players)
Hero is BB

13loris calls $15.00, Hero checks

Flop ($60.00, 2 players)

Hero checks, 13loris checks

Turn ($60.00, 2 players)

Hero bets $45.00, 13loris calls $45.00

River ($150.00, 2 players)

Hero bets $105.00, 13loris folds

Final Pot: $255.00
Hero wins $255.00 ( won +$75.00 )
13loris lost -$75.00

mersenneary's picture
64hh decision is tricky.

64hh decision is tricky. That's a pretty bad river to bluff, but I expect him to have mostly 5x/3x. Probably going to be a pretty borderline bluff. I think checking back is fine with the Q3 given the reads you've picked up. You can also have the best hand a decent bit, which increases the expectation from checking. I'd fold flop with the A4 to the overbet unless you've seen this before with air. Bizarre that he didn't go for value on turn or river. I'd probably bet just a little smaller on the end with the Kx, but nice hand altogether, no major issues. I'd also bet turn against the player described and I think he pays off enough with 8x, but it probably should be just a little smaller. I think the river bluff with 73 is probably -EV given reads, but not a big deal.  

Zeitgeist85's picture
I think the river bluff with

I think the river bluff with 73 is probably -EV given reads, but not a big deal. would you just check and give up on the turn? or would you bet turn, check fold river?

Zeitgeist85's picture
I'd like to have your opinion
mersenneary's picture
"would you just check and

"would you just check and give up on the turn? or would you bet turn, check fold river?"I would often lead flop, even against this opponent type, but if not, I think it's fine to lead turn and give up on river.

mersenneary's picture

http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/185/heads-up-sng/30-facing-frequent-3-bettor-ajo-1041791/As some posters pointed out, it really depends what OP means by "frequent". I think in general though, against someone who has a wide 3bet range, jamming or 4bet/call is going to have better expectation here than flatting. The fact that we're 66bbs deep is mitigated by the fact that we 3x pre, so I think some people in the thread are getting confused, and would be totally fine advocating a jam 45bb deep if we minraised and same size 3bet, which doesn't make a ton of sense.http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/185/heads-up-sng/50s-a4o-oop-27bb-deep-1042855/This question depends a lot on whether he's raising 85% just at this stack size, or overall. If he's opening closer to 70% at this stack size, a jam becomes somewhat bad, and I'd usually call here even given reads because most people will open a bit tighter at shorter stacks.

Zeitgeist85's picture
pretty early, he has a

pretty early, he has a limping range and a raising range, seems tight so far: he folded to my cbets (2/2) and he check 3 streets with no sd value in limped pot.on my first 3bet pot (with KJo 40->120) he snapfolded my small cbet on 377cc first 3bet for him (sorry but the converter is totaly crazy right now) Seat 1: Zeitgeist85 (1720 in chips)  Seat 2: bortolo82 (1280 in chips)  Zeitgeist85: posts small blind 10 bortolo82: posts big blind 20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Zeitgeist85 [8h Qh] Zeitgeist85: raises 30 to 50 bortolo82: raises 70 to 120 Zeitgeist85: calls 70 *** FLOP *** [8d 5c 5s] bortolo82: checks  Zeitgeist85: bets 120 bortolo82: raises 180 to 300   

Zeitgeist85's picture
teory question about game

teory question about game flow: we are super early in the game, villain seems aggressive but not crazy monkey tilt, he could be an average winning 20's grindercbet:1st one he folds, second one he calls and he bets river when I check back turnthird cbet on A73cc flop and he c/r, i fold airvery next btn I open Q6s, he flat flop 866rdo you think a cbet here is mandatory? 

mersenneary's picture
Weird hand with the Q8. I

Weird hand with the Q8. I would call the flop raise, probably would jam if there were a flush draw.I'm not sure about mandatory, I definitely think it's standard. The fact that he c/r the last c-bet will make him somewhat less likely to do so on this one, but deep stacked there's massive value in inducing whatever we can induce as well as getting max value from worse made hands/draws. So I'd c-bet but I don't think it's the worst thing in the world to check back.
