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Jacob Diaz's picture
Super Turbos on Stars.

Super Turbos on Stars, I’ve just started learning the super turbos on Stars, I enjoy them a ton, so I watched all rypacs vids and cogs which I found very helpful. The reason I’m posting today is that I played a few hundred on Stars and found an ROI of 5% which was fine given you start with 500 chips 25BB deep and blinds increase fast, but it got me thinking if it was possible to beat them for allot more,  So I look at the structure of the super turbos to the 75bb turbos HUsngs and wanted to work on the differences between the two and work back from there, so thinking outside the box I started thinking about if something is plus EV pre flop it does not mean it’s the most profitable over all in the hand, standard but that’s where I started from so I ran a small sample experiment over 500 games I know it’s a very small sample but it’s a start so I played 250 games as standard min R pre flop and playing post flop as best I could given my post flop skill and pushing and calling according to NASH  and still had around 5% ROI.Playing my next 250 games I set my self some rules that weren’t plus EV pre flop but what I thought would bring the most value long term, so what I did was to limp all top of my range hands like AQs plus and broad way cards and pairs above 12 BB deep to force villain to play flops and catch something or raise my limps pre flop, when I got down to 12BB and under I used good end game push fold strat like nash or whatever is the most plus EV thing to do against villain.I found a few things happened within the duration of the 250 games played in this way, I found that villains would raise my limps a ton lighter forcing them to spew more and it made them a lot easier to trap with descent hands, I also found I was not getting exploited due to starting with 25BB stacks when re matching villains, him know I limp all my strong ranges so that lead me to limping spec hands and stabbing more flop and picking up a ton more pots when playing short.  The results of the 250 games were I had a ROI of 9%  I think the major differences’ were that when your 75bb deep your min R or 3x to build a pot to capture villains entire 75bb stack early, were as 25 bb deep you don’t have that luxury as much, and your chips are more valuable than a stack 75bb deep so traps and mistakes from villain post flops in future streets are tons more valuable, as most players play poorly on the flop turn and river this makes much more plus EV post flop, given stack sizes. I would be very great full to hear some feedback from the more experienced guys to their thoughts on this, if I’m way of the mark with this then I’m sorry, I am just giving over some sample tests of the games played differently. Anyway look forward to the feedback I might get laughed at but I can take it, it’s all about learning new things all the time and talking about them.  Thanks Jacob.

RyPac13's picture
I like what you're doing

I like what you're doing overall and agree with things like your blinds/chips being more valuable 25bb than 75bb in a lot of ways. I would just keep in mind that against some opponents the limping strategy might not be as ideal (loose opponents that call PFR a high % are much likely better to just minraise AQ preflop, especially if they are passive and won't often raise limps).Possible ROIs will vary based on your skill and your opponent's skill.  A 7 or 8% ROI may be possible at lower levels long term, whereas a 2 or 3% may be more likely in higher stakes like $200 or $500 levels long term.Your samples are obviously small, so I wouldn't put a ton of weight into the results quite yet, but continue to experiment with different strategies, keeping in mind that there's likely already proven strategies (value raising vs someone that calls every hand for instance) that you won't want to focus on as often (calling more OOP is often a key to improvement shorter stacked heads up, many people including myself have been too tight at some point playing end game).

dinamozg's picture
You didn't mention what

You didn't mention what stakes are you playing.I don't play hypers so much but I know that 5% ROI i excelent in them. I think it's a good think to experiment a little bit like you are to see what works best for you.Limping strong hand is a good strategy against oponents that are agressive on your limps and gonna spew their chips fast that way

Jacob Diaz's picture
This was taken at the $7 on

This was taken at the $7 on Stars and as an update its gone down to 4% after another 300 games so experiment kind of failed but was fun to do, so I think I’ll stick to rypacs way for sure.

On another note I play the standard 75bb turbos on stars and would like to ask if any guys on here would like to do HH review I’m happy to pay through poker stars trx if you can give me a price I’m trying to plug some leaks at the $7 and $15 levels.

Thanks Jacob