Just a quick reminder,The community you've joined depends on people knowing that they can post and learn without worrying about who might be reading it. Some students care because they don't want their strategy (strengths and weaknesses) revealed to potential opponents. Other students care just because they don't want people they don't know and don't have any sort of link to reading their personal posts. This isn't twoplustwo. Posts here aren't meant to be read by a larger audience. I'm controlling the number of read only students (it quickly went capped) and if the forum ever goes public to a significantly wider number of people you'll have ample time to prepare for that.So do your fellow students the respect they deserve, and don't share your account. I don't have any kind of evidence it's a widespread problem, but I do know that it's happened, and with a few people who it really shouldn't have.Thanks all.Now back to your regularly scheduled beginning of the month cluster****. :)
I didn't thought about this issue... read-only option is the problem I think... Well if the problem continues the next month you can cut down the read-only option...
Yep. Hokie and I have already talked about that, could definitely happen.
I requested earlier today in the student directory thread for a list of the people who had read only access.If this has happened and you know of it, it would be good to add these people to the list. I don't mean expose them and say "the following people stole access to the forum shame on them!" but rather just include them as people who got read-only access. This would at least serve the purpose of letting students know of everyone (as far as you know) who can read their strat talk, which I think is a fairly modest request.
I mentioned this to Hokie today, it should end up happening. He may run it by them first just to make sure nobody on that side is horrified by the idea but it seems perfectly fair to me. Bug him about it if you don't see it by the end of the week.For what it's worth, I don't think it's exclusively a read-only issue. And to reiterate, it's not a widespread problem either way. It just annoyed me especially in light of what we're building here so I wanted to make it clear that yes, we see when this happens, no, it's not harmless.
Thanks :)
I was afraid this would happen and this is also the reason why I didn't like the introduction of readonly access right from the start.
In addition to that, I have worked in the software industry for many years and made a living from developing and selling proprietary software for money. And in that new job that I'm about to take in September, we'll do the same.Therefor, people who copy someone else's intellectual property just majorly piss me off. For me, sharing an account on a forum like this is no different than using software without having a license.This is stealing.
Why is this only a read only concern to people?It's just as easy for a posting access player to let somebody login to his account to read the forum than it is for a read only person.Don't get me wrong, this stuff bothers me too (it was found when doing some account sharing information tests for the site in general), the price of everything on this site, fast track included, is quite reasonable for the levels of player it targets. The prices are also setup to where anybody that thinks they are not worth their cost likely should not be spending their time watching the videos or reading the forum (they would be admittedly wasting their time). In any case, that's not how it unfolds unfortunately, and a lot of this is just people saying "sure" and not trying to look like bad e-friends or not be cool. There's also a small extreme element that feels they are fighting the man by sticking it to small sites (rather than their parents or corporations that their anger is truly more directed at).As a reader though, I would not worry about it. If you get too caught up in things like this in life (people taking shortcuts, people taking stuff for free), you'll never get anywhere.And don't worry about anybody reading your threads. Yes, people can get value from it, but don't you think that most people that would truly get a lot out of it would have to work hard, and people that work hard don't very often look for ways around paying a reasonable fee for valuable information? My point is, most people that do this kind of stuff aren't going to get a lot out of it anyways. You could make this forum mandatory reading for every single person on 2p2 and husng.com, and you'd still have plenty of profit potential and positive outlook if you work hard yourself.Anyways, I will work on improving this aspect of the site (sharing) constantly, you guys just worry about coming here to do what you've been doing; improving your game.
I'm actually not really scared of people reading my threads - if some opponent really needs to read my thread to beat me, then lol.What really pisses me off though is those who do not properly value Mers and Hokie's hard work by letting others use their account.
Well movie and music sharing has been rampant over the years and that industry has responded by working mostly against consumers instead of with them. I can't help but think that's a large reason for the carelessness towards things like poker training. I mean, you buy a CD it can cost 20 bucks. It has an hour of music on it. The band gets what, a few bucks out of that $20? Here you spend $25 and you get over 250 videos, well over 150 hours of videos, and it's not here for entertainment, it's here to make you money. And the video maker is getting well over half of that money on average (other money goes to marketing and other expenses, the owners myself and xscwx are working owners, not silent owners, it's very efficient for the players here).Fortunately, though, the people that think about this thoroughly are the ones that are going to pay for programs like fast track and videos on this site. And those are the ones that will continue to think and be aware of what they are doing and really utilize these tools to improve.When people tell me we hurt the games I laugh. Not because I think we're ineffective, but because I've been around long enough to know that it's YOU that makes or breaks your success. For $25, or $120, or $200-300 bucks, these programs on this site are affordable ways to help dedicated players reach their goals faster, but it's always about them. Even hardened professionals do not understand that concept.I focus on others often because it's my job, but at the end of the day you really have to focus on your own decisions and hard work. I think you guys will really start to see a lot of the value that Hokie has to offer, beyond his first rate knowledge of the game itself. He's become a dedicated person who holds himself responsible for his success (or in rare events lack there of), and nobody else. I never hear him whine about other players doing well, or about himself running poorly or about the games getting tougher. He keeps getting better because he outworks others and his success grows. If you can do that, you'll just kind of chuckle the next time somebody asks you to borrow your husng.com account or view a fast track thread.
Again, don't want to freak anybody out here. It's not a big concern and a little more digging suggests that it's not at all widespread. The initial offender that popped up (when looking for something else) had full access and is being spoken to privately. He's a good guy and I think he just didn't really think it through. I am amused by the fact that the people who have "come forward" are all students who weren't sure if I was talking about them (I wasn't) but wanted to apologize profusely anyway for anything that might have been construed that way (an outstanding debt I had forgotten about, a person who I let have another month for free, etc). You guys all rock.