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marrage's picture
Premium Membership question

Hi,I play on Ps.fr on the husng turbo speed,I plan to take the Premium Membership at the end of the month, and I need recommandations for something like 10 videos to start.What are the must see videos?This is the points,i would like to increase :

  • end game.
  • multitabling (2 or 3)and hem advices (i bought the awesome HUD)
  • 3bet pot
  • sizing
  • reg war


RyPac13's picture
End game Mersenneary. Reg

End game Mersenneary.Reg Wars series was done by ITRIED.I'd also grab one of the top rated videos from guys like xSCWx, Skates and make HokieGreg a regular guy to watch.h2olga's recent video might cover sizing, but it's just an all around solid video.mjw had a few premium videos worth checking out as well.There should be a new HUD video in the near future, explaining stats and all that.  I'm not sure where that might lead to, as far as future HUD focused videos.Others can feel free to weigh in more specifically too.

marrage's picture
thank you very much Ryan :)

thank you very much Ryan :)