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nekrogovner's picture
3.5$ Hyper at Pstars (AT vs unknown's raise)

Hi all. Hand converter not working for some reason. Prolly because its my first post. But anyway, I will keep it simple.This was my third hand vs the villain. First one he raised pre for 3x, so at this point I decide he is either strong (Ax, PPs, broadways), or spewy.Next one I minraised he folded.No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 Players
Hand converted by http://husng.com/converter
SB Villain 500
BB Hero 500

Effective Stacks: 25bb

Blinds 10/20

Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)
Hero is BB with hT sA

Villain raises to 80, Hero raises to 220, Villain goes all-in 500, Hero???I assumed he is just spewing around so I 3bet him. Would it be better if I just called and reevaluated?I suppose calling allin is standard since I'm probably coinflipping anyway?

Pro tuned's picture
imo you have two options

imo you have two options here, first one you did(raise) and another would be all in, don't worry if the guy shows AA,AK or some PP sometimes but at these stakes guys tend to 3x, 4x with any two cards mainly early of the match.

RyPac13's picture
I would shove preflop, you

I would shove preflop, you should have a bit of fold equity vs a random opponent, then some chance of seeing weaker Ax hands or low PPs.Of course, you do hate to see JJ-KK or AJ-AK play this way, but they do play this way, so expect to be behind a bit somewhat frequently, made up for by the time you actually dominate another ace or they fold.Flatting I don't love, you just end up check folding readless too often I believe and you have the same issues as you do in a 3bet pot if you flop an ace, so there aren't a ton of advantages or ways to "save chips" in cooler situations.  It's just a big PFR to call and then fold a lot of flops to readless in my mind.