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my5tyle's picture
TPGK on very wet Flop

 Call Pre sshould be obv IPoker Network No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t30.00/t60.00 Blinds - 2 players -www.handconverter.com/hands/1359717################################################## Which Line is best? [B]Check/Call:[/B]I don't like!   -> Pot= 1080 and 940 Chips behind. Most Turns are ugly- [B]Check/Raise:[/B]as played I don't like any more....his callingrang got us crushed-> Foldequety = 0% ? (PotSize Conti...)Analyse:[FONT=courier new][SIZE=12][b]Board: [/b]Q:spade:T:spade:8:spade:[b]       Equity     Win     Tie[/b][b]MP2  [/b]  28.39%  25.72%   2.67% { QdJc }[b]MP3  [/b]  71.61%  68.94%   2.67% { QQ+, TT, 88, AQs, KQs, QTs, Q8s, J9s, T8s, AQo, KQo, QTo, Q8o, J9o, T8o, AsKd, AsKh, AsKc, AsJd, AsJh, AsJc, AsTd, AsTh, AsTc, As9d, As9h, As9c, As8d, As8h, As8c, As5d, As5h, As5c, AsKs, KsJd, KsJh, KsJc, AsJs, KsJs, AsTs, As9s, Ts9s, As8s, As7s, As6s, As5s }[/SIZE][/FONT] [B]Check/Fold:[/B] I think it's much to weak... I mean, we got top pair... [B]Donk/Fold (favourite):[/B] He folds any Trash. Vs his ship I don't feel good any more and make the crying fold, because if he raise, he nearly got the same range like he calls on our check/raiseIf he calls the turn becomes ugly... [B]Which line?[/B] 

Boulases's picture
This post is so clear

This post is so clear ...  you should $% %^ $ %&^ $^%& %^  % 

crstn's picture
@BoulasasThank you for

@BoulasasThank you for letting me start this day with a big laugh  

dinamozg's picture
As played its fine to me. You

As played its fine to me. You can add some combinations in his calling range and probably remove a lot that totaly crush you. Do you think he will bet pot size if he flops nut flush?

my5tyle's picture
some more thoughts to this

some more thoughts to this hand? :)

QQandYOU's picture

i'd go for value OTR since turn got checked. If you dont know this guy you're likely to be ahead. I cant figure out a hand that flats on that turn which has us beat except AQ/KQ which i think he's repopping pre.The question is: would he really FLAT a 2 pair on that board? Or even trips? I think this would be ridicolous (when dont know each other) I guess you were ahead vs a smallish Qx trash?