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elekamate's picture
Q9o against a frustrating line

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • PokerStars$29.37+$0.63 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero520  BBandrejs3183480  Effective Stacks: 24bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero calls 10, andrejs3183 checks Flop (40, 2 players) andrejs3183 bets 40, Hero raises to 120, andrejs3183 calls 80 Turn (280, 2 players) andrejs3183 bets 80, Hero calls 80 River (440, 2 players) andrejs3183 bets 120, Hero calls 120 Final Pot: 680 Hero shows andrejs3183 shows two pair, Kings and Tens andrejs3183 wins 680 ( won +340 ) Hero lost -340HI!He is a -6% fish and this is one of the first hands: no information. Flop i raised to keep Tx in his range. On the turn i have no idea about his range. Maybe i put him on Tx and don't like pushing here because the scare of fold so i planned calldown. 

DryMan13's picture
Standard IMO

Standard IMO

nekrogovner's picture
I find it unlikely that you

I find it unlikely that you will get a proper response from someone if you post a hand result, so you might want to avoid that next time.But anyway, villains weak lead on turn and river can mean many things, for one, as seen in this example, he is either scared to fold you out of the pot with potential nuts so he bets small, or he bets small to induce further raises from you. He could also be leading with random Q or T. Calling this down seems as a good option to me, no need to overplay your pair this early. And ofcourse, take a note of villains tendency to bet/lead small all streets with strong hand.

Laroutchezxz's picture
@Dryman        Raise pre (2x)

@Dryman        Raise pre (2x) for sure , Q9o 24BB readless imo...

chadders0's picture
Preflop is a minraise,

Preflop is a minraise, despite this being a great hand to limp at, this is not a great depth to limp at readless, I may even go as far to say I wont limp readless above 20bb, historical expectation alone is enough to justify this.Flop is standard, you don't want to flat a strong value hand to a donk on this board (opponent can have draws you want to charge and also may call you lighter because you rep draws), the sizing is fine too, although you dont look like you have air often, this isnt a board you will get rebluffed on anyway (thus making a smaller, inducing sizing less appealing)Turn is a sick spot but we cant fold to that sizing, someone c/c then donking small may be a draw when we are deeper but at these stacks i think most people would 3bet shove this flop way more than they would take this line with a hand like 89 for example. A raise here is not great readless imoRiver I think is an easy fold if we just consider our opponents line, but i think with the sizing a lot of people are going to call this off, myself included, without much of a thought. On the bright side we can make significant adjustments in future on this hand alone, you should make notes that he didnt raise the limp with KT and bet called 2nd pair in limped pot, and lead turned two pair, so we now know that we can likely get away with limping our trash and not worried about gettin our limp raised by a wide range. Should also be betting 100% IP in limped pots when checked to, and barreling off with any remotely good board because we know a check will likely indicate a range that is capped at bottom pair. 


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elekamate's picture
Thank you! You helped a lot!

Thank you! You helped a lot!

Pchelkin R's picture
preflop really interested if

preflop really interested if villain has a limp raising range and what it looks like.It might be a shove on flop if villain has a healthy limp raising range.i think i will be shoving the flop alot if i think villain will raise limps w KT, QT, JT+


mersenneary's picture
very good analysis chadders

very good analysis chadders