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Hehasrisen's picture
2011 Main event Heads up

Was it just me or did Heinz do some stupid stuff heads up?Plus it seemed like he gave off a lot of live tells!I fast forwarded through a lot but it seemed like Staszko played better, except I really didn't like his check raise fold with Q6hh on J54hh.I don't like the shove with AQhh over Stazko's check raise on K10xcc. That seemed like a big mistake by Heinz. But hey, I do really stupid stuff sometimes and probably would play horribly after sitting there and playing for all those hours.

Marzipannase's picture
Dont forget Heinz was pretty

Dont forget Heinz was pretty much carddead most of the headsup so he kinda had to do some crazy stuff. Staszko on the other hand catched a lot of good hands. With the AQ hand: If I remember correct there was a similar hand earlier where Staszko folded and with the tv coverage and shown holdecards Heinz probably knew that.


Hehasrisen's picture
Ya true he did that with Q6hh

Ya true he did that with Q6hh before and folded but Stasko seemed fairly conservative about putting chips in the pot with the chip lead and I'm not sure if Stasko would do that again and fold. But I guess if Stasko thought that Heinz knew he wouldn't check min raise fold again on a drawy board like that, then it would be a good time for Stasko to do it as a bluff. And maybe Heinz thought that was what was goin through Stasko's head so he had fold equity.But who knows exactly what they were thinkin. I wish I could hear Heinz's logic on that hand.