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freddeman's picture
HU SNG $60 (turbo level)

Hey guys, for the regs out their on the 60$ & 30$ level (turbo) dont you hate those regs that dont care about game selection ? i'm talking about benvandlak & john (something more) they are the only regs that keep on sitting me & other regs, i hope you guys read this, so you can adjust ur game on those bastards :p

laurenjessamine's picture
$60 games

Hey man, whats ur name on stars if ur a reg and i will aviod u? :)

FreakOfNature's picture
Maybe they just think they

Maybe they just think they have an edge on you??I've always found the best way to deal with them is just play as solid as possible and go over HH's vs them to try and find you edge.When I've got into reg wars previously the chat just wants to make me sit them more unless the own me of course :) and I doubt naming them in a forum post will help you much either. GL tho

FreakOfNature's picture
Just want to add to when I

Just want to add to when I said "best way to deal with them" - I meant other regs that sit you in general and NOT the 2 people you specifically mentioned

RyPac13's picture
People choose to play whoever

People choose to play whoever they want.Keep in mind, just as the fish does, the regular sometimes wants a challenge (or to prove something to themselves).If you take the mindset of "anybody can sit me when I sit first, if they don't have an edge that is not my fault, I can't tell a regular not to sit me bc it's not worth their time if I'm happy a fish sits me and they are huge -EV" then you won't have any issues or frustrations, no matter who sits you.Some tips to getting good players to avoid you: Play a solid game, don't get too fancy, make adjustments based on what you see, don't outlevel yourself and predict something that is not there.  Don't talk crap in the chat or flip out emotionally, don't ask them not to play you (offensive to some, sometimes justified imo).If you follow the above you likely won't get frustrated, nor will you likely get regs of your skill level rematching you often (if the reg is better than you, that is a different case, and sometimes it's not easy to self analyze like that).

nozaki's picture
Sometimes other reg may give

Sometimes other reg may give you lot more cash than avg fish - if only you know his strategy, betting pattern and so on, playing reg become more profitable than any other player. I had couple such players that still ask me not to play with them 'cause they are regs'... Hilarious - if I feel I can beat someone in 80% of cases I will play him all night long.

dinamozg's picture
lol who can you beat 80% of

lol who can you beat 80% of times in husng?

BustoFish's picture
^^ He meant when he thinks he

^^ He meant when he thinks he has an edge 80% of the time he will continue to play his opponent.

nozaki's picture
nozaki's picture
If you know...
nozaki's picture
If you know your opponent who

If you know your opponent who is passive and readable and what is most funny he thinks he is reg but in fact he is barely winning player - 80% is possible.(I have serious trouble with forum - almost not possible to send a reply - pls anyone delete my empty posts... :) )

crstn's picture
Thinking you could have an

Thinking you could have an 80% edge over anybody in poker - and I am not even talking about a reg - means just that you are denying the reality of poker (and the math aspect involved), especially in a format where edges are small. We are not playing chess here.I mean this with all respect: With this attitude you seem to overestimate your abilities, and that is a big leak imo 

nozaki's picture
Dont really think that I have

Dont really think that I have any leaks with players that constantly loose cause they just do not adjust their game. I play low stakes - $10. There is plenty of very poor players that boast about being a reg, but they do not raise preflop, do not value bet almost any hand - trapping with any piece of the board till the river. While out of position they're checking till the end with nuts. There are players that can win only with major suckout and still think of themselves as a regs... There are players that can change youre horrible day into a dream. I'm not talking about high stakes, but low stakes and poor passive strategies - thats all. Believe it or not - there are strategies that just do not earn cash against players who have at least a piece of a brain and is not bluffing every second hand. It is not possible to have such an edge over maniac fish, but fish who thinks is a poker pro, and is passive and tight as hell gives you 80% with no problem.

Minraiseisnuts888's picture
80% winning with a rake of 5%

80% winning with a rake of 5% = an ROI of 52% right?

nozaki's picture
Have you at least read what

Have you at least read what is all abuot? I suppose not...