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Anzaker's picture
3.5 $ Try to bluff in limped pots

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1365  BTNchedlpoker1635  Effective Stacks: 46bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB chedlpoker calls 15, Hero checks Flop (60, 2 players) Hero checks, chedlpoker bets 30, Hero raises to 90, chedlpoker calls 60 Turn (240, 2 players) Hero bets 140, chedlpoker calls 140 River (520, 2 players) Hero bets 280, chedlpoker calls 280 Final Pot: 1080 Hero shows chedlpoker shows chedlpoker wins 1080 ( won +540 ) Hero lost -540 Hi I play agains LP villan no history. He bet any Flop in limped pot when I check to him (5 Flop till now). So i decide check/raise bluff him on the Flop. When he call I see in his range like many flushdraw, some 9x, maybe 4x, 35, A5. So i decide bet the Turn. When he call I think I should stop beting the River because his bet/call, check/call Turn look strong maybe some 2 paits Tx+FD, Some 9x, and I think I make mistake this type that I saw 3 card bigger and think he will fold his 9x+FD+ maybe Tx. But he not. So How you will play this hands? Cheers,Piter

nekrogovner's picture
I would wait for hands with

I would wait for hands with some equity to actually make a move on him. As you noticed 3.5$ players are calling station, and its really unpleasant to barrel multiple streets vs them with junk because, as you have noticed, they really love to call off with overcards, and when they hit, you are in trouble.

Il Monk's picture
I think it is better to stab

I think it is better to stab in limed pots then to checkraise on these boards. I would love a stab on flop for 3/4 pot and stab turn and check/ fold when i missed river.

longjohn's picture
are you saying that

ll Monkare you saying that you always prefer to stab then c/r in limped pot or are you just saying that you prefer it on this flop? I agree that it is not best to check raise here as its not the dryest board and we have little equity to improve so a stab would be better, but on dryer boards say K72r or boards where we have some more equity it is better to c/r against someone we expect to bet every time.

Il Monk's picture
I do stab a lot in limped

I do stab a lot in limped pots cause there are a lot off people who fold to a 2nd barrel win limped pots. And i believe there is a lot aoff vvalue in limped pots. I do adjust this again the players I am playing to, but for a standard I love to stab and put aggression in limped pots. Why would check/ raise and build a pot with air? To show him youre also capable off bluffing?

longjohn's picture
Yeah I do agree with you about stabbing

Yeah I do agree with you about stabbing, what I'm saying is that if someone is betting pretty much everytime you check to them, then c/r bluffing becomes the same as c/r bluffing in a raised pot against someone who cbets all the time, if you do it on a very dry board then they are going to have to fold most of the time so you get more value from letting them bet/fold then you could from just stabbing and taking down what is in the pot already.

Il Monk's picture
Okay but why youre willing to

Okay but why youre willing to build a big pot with a bluf?

longjohn's picture
Just because when

Just because when there is so much air in someones range it will be very +EV to c/r every now and then on dry boards

Il Monk's picture
don't get it why you are

don't get it why you are willing to bluff on OOP and wanna risk youre stack, villain now has every opportunity to slowplay against you. I believe you can be better of to bluff 3 barrels IP as ch/raising OOP