Hello everyone.Among the many things that need some work, I think I could use some better floating skills.There are these players who are specially difficult to bluff (not donks only, I mean winning players also, but they are usually not super solid), as they have floats in them that I don´t really have in my game as a standard. Like floating Ace-rag hands both flop and turn (even against strong barrels) on connected wet boards that I wouldnt ever consider floating unless with some solid reads.When I´m running bad these players do induce some slight tilt on me cause I fail to find a way to take chips from them. It makes me wonder whether they pick up strong reads on my timing or bet sizing and just know I´m bluffing or they are just dumbly stubborn.Any video here on HUSNGs that deals with that? (I mean floating yourself instead of dealing with floaters)
You might want to start with videos that talk about bluffing, there are a lot more of those and bluffing is a much more likely successful adjustment against an opponent compared to floating air hands with absolutely no high card, draw or pair value.I think floating is also very situational/develops after specific reads, making it very difficult to give good, valuable advice about in a general sense.