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Testozter0n's picture
Awesome HUD v3 - HM2 Version?!

I read in the AHUDv3 Article that HM2 is supported now, but how can I get the HEM2 Version? I bought AHUDv3 before!

RyPac13's picture
Email hud@husng.com, that

Email hud@husng.com, that will get you in touch with the owner. Let me know if you need any further help, I'm happy to jump in if necessary, but the owner has been handling service pretty well recently.

Barrin's picture
If he does the adjustment, it

If he does the adjustment, it might be a good idea to ping his current customers about it. There are players who asked other HUD creators if they could adjust Awesomehud to HEM2 or even PT4.
