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elkid's picture
Should I call the turn shove (First post)

I know it probably gets asked a zillion times; Do I call this turn shove.  I've been working on shoving and calling shoves.  Poker traker says I have 65% equity on the turn and I committ myself with the river bet (at least I think so).The villian is typical weak passive with lots of limps and calling raises out of position.  This is he 18th hand of the match. Hero (BB): 1,630.00SB: 1,370.00 SB posts SB 10.00, Hero posts BB 20.00 Pre Flop: (30.00) Hero has As Ts SB calls 10.00, Hero raises to 60.00, SB raises to 140.00, Hero calls 80.00 Flop: (280.00, 2 players) 5d 2d ThHero checks, SB bets 80.00, Hero raises to 240.00, SB calls 160.00 Turn: (760.00, 2 players) 2hHero bets 380.00, SB raises to 990.00 and is all-inLeaving me with 610 behind. Thanks in advance Eddie P.S.  I did try the hand converter but I guess it doesn't work for my site.  Used PT3 conveter instead.  

dhcg86's picture
how did you figure you have

how did you figure you have 65 % equity? I figure you have 4% 

elkid's picture
I just put my hand in

I just put my hand in Pokerstove and then his hand and and the board, then click evaluate.  Guess I'm doing that wrong.  What did you do?

nekrogovner's picture
Errm, dhcg what would be the

Errm, dhcg what would be the villains range in that case? Even if we give villain a nitty rage of TT+ on turn, we still have 10% equity.Now, if we also put AT+ (only diamonds and hearts) in his range we then get 24% equity and we need 22% equity to call. Though I would probably have to decide based on other potential tells I had on villain.

Byzantine's picture
Depends on the villain IMO,

Depends on the villain IMO, if he's been super loose passive and this is one of the first raises you're seeing from him I think it's a pretty easy fold. I don't really see him shoving anything worse here for value, but I guess there's always the chance he's spazzing out.

elkid's picture
He was playing very weak and

He was playing very weak and passive.  Limping his button. Folding to preflop raises almost always and when he didn't he would fold post flop.  The previous hand I raised pre with KQo and he jammed, that was the first jam of the game.  Normally I would fold there, but like I said, I was working my jamming and calling jams (I'm too fearfull of them folding when I have a big hand and I fold almost always when jamed into and I don't have the nuts or near nuts). I guess I have to work on figureing out my equity.  Any tips on where to go to learn that? Eddie

happyham's picture
Preflop I would raise to 80

Preflop I would raise to 80 instead of 60.  The Ace is such an obvious part of your raising range, that when an Ace flops, its not always easy to get further value.  For that reason its best to get more value pre flop.  Also, by raising to 60, you are allowing a range of hands that play well against your hand a good price to call.  Post flop I think you have to decide on the flop what you are going to do in this hand.  Its such a dry board that isn't likely to change *THAT* much.  I would raise to 320ish, and then shove the turn (900ish into 920 pot).  By betting the size you did, the stacks are pretty awkward on the turn.  Also just because he bets 80, doesn't mean you need to make it 3x his bet size on the flop.  His bet size is pretty small.  So on the off chance he does have a flush draw or worse hand than you, you are giving him much better odds. His hand range is pretty small given you said how passive he has played, but given you said he just jammed over you when you raised with KQ, I think that there is always a slight chance he is getting frustrated with you being so aggressive.  I dont think its unreasonable to see him tilt shove with 88,99, a flush draw, AQ+ here at least some % of the time. I do think you are up against JJ-KK here a lot (AA and TT less likely due to your hand), but I would still shove the turn and get value from some worse hands.  I'd be interested to see if others think this is spewy.  Its definitely an ugly spot.

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.

nekrogovner's picture
Well there is also another

Well there is also another option. If limping villain is making your life extremely difficult when you are oop, either by folding to your attacks with value hands preflop, or by calling wide and often taking down pot because you missed flop you can check back your value hands preflop. Therefore you will have great implied odds once you hit a good hand and villain spews with his mediocre holdings (like weak top pair). Downside is that you are probably clueless about villains range at this point.

Nikiforos86's picture
I think he plays 10 10, A A

I think he plays 10 10, A A and KK sometimes like this if he is tight/passive as u described, and he 3b jammed previously means we can prolly discount hands like 55 and 22. Other hands can include some random spew w flush draw hands that don't jam flop. I think it's close but I think call is in order in game depending on exact stats and number of hands we have (18 isn't enough to discount random spew) which would help and also the fact he can't really have 55 and 22 much of the time.