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exil's picture
Classify opponents

Hi everybody,I started playing HUSNG 2 months ago on the €10 and doing just fine until I shot the €20...Then I decide to subscribe for a standar membership to work my game.I started with Primo vids HUSNG from scratch 1-2 and intermediate and I started classify opponents to adjust accordingly.However I have trouble to classify opponents who seems to play a mixed style : how to classify someone who play vpip 90-100, pfr 25-35, vpipBB>55-60, cb 20% Fold to cb 10-30%, CR 10-15%... Do you see the kind of villain I'm talking about ?Is he loose passive 'cause he call a lot oop & don't cb or 2 barrel oftent, or tight pass 'cause he open limp the most of his bouton instead of raising, or lag  'cause he call a lot oop and CR often or donket often ?on what do I need to focus to classify my oppenents correctly and then adjust ?TY

sir_lanka's picture
You want to understand how

You want to understand how your opponent is playing so you can exploit him. Trying to classify him to be tight aggressive or loose passive can make this harder for you. If you take a note like "loose aggressive" you won´t be able to exploit this player.Is he only donking week hands, reraise him (until he adjusts). Is he donking stor hands, cbet more. Is he only limping week hands, raise. Does he only stab after a limp if he hits, stab turn if he doesn´t stab flop.