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Amnesi92's picture
Where should i start?

Hello,after final exams i would like to start play poker again. After long 6 month poker break i want to start with HUSNG. Should i start on the bottom on $1,5 (with 100bi) or it's waste of time and better would be start on $3,5 (with 100bi) stakes.Thank you

Barrin's picture
$3.5 Rake is lower and there

$3.5Rake is lower and there is not much improvement of the fish from the $1.5 to $3.5


batman's picture
+1 for 3.50   I started at

+1 for 3.50 I started at $1.50 and the rake is 4% on Stars, at $3.50 it's 3% so your ROI is already +1% just from that. Also there's still fish everywhere

Amnesi92's picture
Big different between 1,5 and

Big different between 1,5 and 3,5?I'm new at HUSNG so i'm wondering if i can start play them with 40bi (mean 3,5). Or it's too low for begginer.ty

Barrin's picture
If you are playing regular or

If you are playing regular or turbo speed and not hyper (super)turbo speed, 40BI should be fine.The difference between 1.50 and 3.50 is the rake. The regulars on both stakes are really bad and so are the fish.
