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danzig's picture
T9 T55 can I ever checkraise this?

T9 T55 with flush drawIt's early in the game and villain opens 80%+, possibly ATC. He looks to be one of these raise anything cbet anything people. I expect him to 1-barrel this board with all his air. I have a hyper aggressive image, 3bet once and checkraised once in 3 OOP-hands(bluff on dry board).Stacks are about 1200 pot is 120, villain cbets 60.Standard for me would be to c/c, but what I dislike in this situation is that he's got air so much and plays it perfectly against me. He takes one profitable stab(and I def would'nt bluffcheckraise here because I've just done it and I look like a maniac so far + I am not repping a 5 that well) and then realizes all his equity and can vbet/bluff me on later streets.So given that my checkraise is not credible and might induce floats or reraises and that I wouldn't dare bluffing here, can I take something that's actually likely to be the best hand to punish him for cbetting too much? my thoughts are:-we can possibly cr for value if we can checkraisefold? but we might checkraisefold the best hand-we are too deep to cr-felt, even if he'll spazz some, and float stuff like a-high gutshots underpairs, because 555, a better ten or an overpair are not THAT difficult too have? how deep do you think we could take this to the felt considering that villain has air alot and given gameflow we'll induce some- we inflate the pot with a hand that's crushed by a normal valuerange, and might set ourselves up for a huge mistake on later streets-we're kind of turning our hand into a cr-bluff with showdownvalue when called-if we could value-cr this it would be really good for our bluffcr-rangewhat are your thoughts? what conditions would need to be met to cr this for value? and what sizing would you suggest+how do you react to a reraise?

minotaurs's picture
Looks like he's not playing

Looks like he's not playing back at your c/raises with air, so if u do c/r here again there are anything much worse he can call with.And if he raise you, do u really want to get it in so deep? Your T is not in very good shape even against flush draw and 1 overcard. I think I would just c/call coz he can assume u are just floating with some high cards and could try to burrel u off. -I think I would c/r this for value against some1 who floats you with anything or against some1 who just hates to loose a pot and fights back on boards like this a lot. -I would use my default sizing 60-150 with this stack depth, coz its like not too small and not too big :D and u really cant tell, is it bluff or is it not :D-If u would look like hyper aggresive to me like u mentioned before, I would raise u on bigger side flush draw + over/s and get it in, but i would probably just call ur c/r with 5 or T hoping that u put me on flush draw and bet big on turn if the flush card doesnt come-I dont think I would 3 bet bluff complete air coz i would be afraid u would jam ur flush draws over me Let me know what u think about my thoughts, coz I'm just learning 2

danzig's picture
agree on your logic

agree on your logic minotaurs,I think we'd need to have information that he's willing to get lots of chips in w nothing here to try to induce a rebluff w a cr that deep, else we're just setting us up to stack off bad.One thing though, that villain would ship flushdraws over a 3betbluff is no reason not to checkraise, because flushdraws are too small a part of his cbetting range (like 5%-10% or so), unless he does not cbet frequently(in which case we should never crbluff, unless there's some special sort of imbalance going on, like he doesn't cbet often but does cbet dry boards often, or is tricky/trappy and always checks trips behind). It's a great board to bluffcheckraise if villain cbets often, will give you credit and has a fold button. Villain is unlikely to have something and you could easily have a ten or better. Unless you mean 4betbluffing as in rebluffing the checkraise. From that I'd stay far away until you got strong reason to believe you're getting checkraised with air so often(and then a fold) that rebluffing becomes +ev. Against random you'll find that they'll just have trips++ or are committing to their par/overpair. Especially considering how often we get a fold and rarely we get checkraised, and that most stuff that believes it has value tends to just flat.