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Nemesis Fa's picture
Sng HU Hyper Turbo BRM

Hi everyone,I've been grinding the $7 hu Hyper turbos for a while. I started with a BR of $150 and managed to grow it up to $900. I do play from time to time some $15 one but Im kind of scared to go on a bad run, even tho I have the bankroll for them. I do beleive that that the $15 are easier to beat tho because players seem to be alot more scared, and by playing aggro they seem to be very profitable. Do you guys consider a BR of $900 laregely enough to be comfortable at the $15 HT HU Sng's ? or should I keep grinding the $7's untill 1k ?My alias is Nemesis Fa and I play on Pokerstars.eu. Thanks for your help and time. Fabien

Vasthegreek's picture
15's are easier to play.

15's are easier to play. Players are more predictable. imo.I did start playing 15s after $600 or so. 

Barrin's picture
The more aggressive your BRM

The more aggressive your BRM the more often you will have to change levels. With the ROI being small the swings can be big and this is the main reason why most players will recommend that you use a 100 BI BRM. There is a variance calulcator on this side. Just play with it a bit and you will see how different the graphs are gonna be.You seemed to be looking for a criteria that is just as agressive as you can take and seem to wish to shot for the stars early, so I suppose you google for kelly criteria BRM, which is based on your ROI


BUBE888's picture
I played some games against

I played some games against you. move up, your game is very solid!I think you are also from germany, so u can add me in skype for a u2u coaching. "skedda_kollegha"playing atm the 7$, but i am also about to move up to the 15$ the next couple days!

Nemesis Fa's picture
Thank you very much for your

Thank you very much for your replies. Ill most definetly check the kelly criterion BRM. Ill stick to the $7's for the moment even tho the $15 seem more juicy cause sometimes the variance can be a killer. Thanks alot again, very much appreciated. ps: yes Im registered in Germany but I live in the UK. Im French by the way. regards, Fabien

apomixis's picture
Funny, I guess it's just

Funny, I guess it's just variance (because I win or at least tread water at every other level up to 60) but the 15s have been driving me nuts lately. I will switch between 7s, 15s, and 30s and try the occasional 60, and although I'm not a conspiracy theorist it really feels like the cards are acting differently at the 15s. I can still get ahead relatively easily, but then it seems like I pretty much need the absolute nuts to finish off a 15. Whatever the explanation, the other levels have been keeping my bankroll alive as I try to grind the 15s. It actually has me thinking of playing two 7s and a 30 every 3 games to simulate playing three 15s. I hope your mileage varies!

Barrin's picture
Why are you playing the $7

Why are you playing the $7 and $15 if you beat $30+?


apomixis's picture
Not really comfortably

Not really comfortably bankrolled for more than 15s. So, maybe i was unclear: while I am beating all but the 15s right now, the sample sizes for 30 and 60 are still small and could be misleading. I'm definitely beating the 7s though.

Barrin's picture
What I don't understand: if

What I don't understand: if you do not feel comfortable playing the $15 because of your bankroll, why would you consider playing the $30? You know, in order for your idea to be successfull you would need to have a bigger edge in the $30 then you have in the $7, because an upswing / winning strike at the $30's can compensate a huge loseing strike / downswing on the $7 but it is not working the other way around. Otherwise you could play 9x $1.50 and 1x $100 and would have an avg. BI of $11.30 but that is not how it works and it is the same with mixing $7 and $30.
