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BrEaQKingBad's picture
Is there any other line ?or i jus got a cooler ?

Hello guys 
This is my 1 post here .
Ive tried to convert the hand but since this game was played on a diferent pc i do not have acess at this time so i post it anyway here .
This was a 20$ SNG ON FULL TILT TURBO .BLINDS 50/100 Hero -1232 chips Villain -1768 chips.
Villain seemed pretty decent and havent limped a single hand before this one .
He limps and i check back with 65o on the BB.
Flop was 45T rainbow ,i check villain bets 100 ,i decided to peel one card and see what happens .
Turn is a 6 keeping no flush draws.
I check ,villain bets 200 and I jam, he snaps with 78 .
The questions here is since villain havent limped before i assumed he was on a ridiculous tight range and he would snap with the very strong part of his range (Overpairs )and we were 12 bb effectives  really there is a different line here ?or ive just got really unlucky ?
Thanks ,

ka5321's picture
post this Hand under the HH

post this Hand under the HH section....
i dont understand the Turn jam, in terms of what do you accomplish.... Why not check call to bluffcatch villain in this spot, since ur hand has good equity vs majority of villains turn c-betting hand range... I dont see him calling with worse vs ur turn Jam, other than Overpair limp-trapping hand range, which is just an assumed possibility in villains hand range...
balance ur check calling hand range with 2-pair hand range, and call him down, where ur good 90% of times here by river vs villains total barrelling hand range, which consists of semibluffs/air/nuts...... 

RyPac13's picture
Ka makes a good point about

Ka makes a good point about bluff catching here.
I also wouldn't assume a tight and very strong range. Players will limp very weak hands when the blinds get short, even if it is just occassionally. The J2o that they open folded earlier might now be a limping hand.
Further, they could also just not want to open jam and are too scared to minraise, so a limp with K4o or Q5 may just become their default play. Unless you have seen monsters or have other good reads that give you a direct reason for it, I would not assume the limp is strong.
As it is, he had 87, and probably didn't feel good about a minraise or open shove and wasn't going to open fold it either. Limp became his play, if only for "no other option looks great."

Barrin's picture
Preflop: There is not much

Preflop: There is not much you can do.
Flop: I don't like the "just gonna peel one card" approach at all. First of all the T does hit his range quite well. Secondly, what are you gonna if you don't hit on the turn and he bets again? You have to surrender your hand even if he is bluffing. Meaning, as long as you have no reads about his most likely turn procedures, you are really comitting yourself to hitting your peel and for that approach you do have neither; a) the right odds b) the right implied odds. And if you dominate him and/or hit your approach there is allways a chance that he has total air and you get no value if you are hitting your peel.
Turn: why would you jam here? Are you afraid that he is on a draw? If he calls the jam now there should not be lots of cards that would make him fold the river (except for an 8 or a 3).


I dont think ur play is that

I dont think ur play is that bad.  There is disadvantages and advantages to check calling and check shoving and i think its important to state both rather than focus on the disadvantages of your play. Yes you are folding out his bluffs that will continue if you flat but what about hands villian is willing to stack off here on the turn.  If you think he has a pair and straight draw (like 67) shoving is the best play, if he folds u take down the 600 chips in the pot and if he calls your a big fav to double up, ur werent gona double through him flatting him on the turn vs that hand when the river doesnt improve his hand, hes just gona bet/ fold, check/ call or check/ fold river.  Also lets say he has top pair, he would of called an allin on the turn with this hand and again ur big favourite to double through him and have a dominating chiplead, if u just flat and the river is a scarecard like kx or ace x, ur losing out on value aswell just flatting as river is probs just gona go check call.

shirazu's picture
I think this is just a cooler

I think this is just a cooler and the turn cr is fine you are getting called by worse all day long, I would expect to be ahead like 70-80% of the time when called. Also there are a lot of hands that kill the action on the river and villians who 3 barrel are pretty rare so you are not getting a ton of extra value from bluffs.
Only issue I have with this is that you are not really peeling on the flop, unless he is the type that limps aces or kings you are way ahead most of the time and you have the backdoor straight outs against a random better hand, playing this aggressively on the flop is reasonable.