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conavelha's picture
new skype group

just started a husng skype study group based on hypers focused on low and midstakes players feel free to contact me if you want to join my skype is conapreta

Axif's picture
How many members are there

How many members are there already?
And what stakes are u playing now? I'm on 3,5$ at the moment, but I decide to move up asap.
Merry christmas :)

conavelha's picture
there are about 10 members

there are about 10 members dont think there are anyone playing below 7$ and we have a 200$ reg too

Axif's picture

Ok, so could I join when I will be on 7usd stakes?
I study hard and I think about the game a lot.
I think I can get there in about a month. It's pretty hard to expect.
Btw, what concept do you use for studying? I mean if u do live sessions or some reviews?
Thanks for response.

aplkk's picture
I am playing 1,5-3,5 but I am

I am playing 1,5-3,5 but I am like the rest of you, really wanting to get better so can I join?