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Mareen's picture
Chadders0 Hyper Pack - Update?

Hey guys,
A few weeks ago you mentioned, there will be an updated version of chadders0 hyper pack released. 
Do you know, when this will happen?

RyPac13's picture
Yes, a few days ago I made

Yes, a few days ago I made this update:
"Chadders fell behind his SNE pace with moving and getting sick, so he's been doing that with most of his time. He's sorry for the delays in this but he said he will make us a 30 minute video for everyone and we will post it free.
He will then work on updating the pack after he grabs SNE, sometime before January 1st is when he'll reach it but I don't have anything more specific.
Again, I'm very sorry about the delays. Chadders thought he had a few weeks of time to do this and things just happened between being sick and moving that just killed that free time and turned what he thought was excess time into time shortage."

Mareen's picture
Rypac, thanks for your quick

Rypac, thanks for your quick answer as always!
Hopefully chadders0 will reach his goal SNE!

Barrin's picture
Ryan, as you know I have

Ryan, as you know I have bought Chadders pack shortly after it has been released. Today I tried to download it again, but I have been unable to do. Is this specific to my account or to the pack? Maybe the links on the homepage have changed?
/e; I have found copies of the video on one of my backup files, so there is no urge (for me), but I tought it would be healthy if you look into the matter anyways.


RyPac13's picture
Hi Barrin, Expiration on

Hi Barrin,
Expiration on roles (used to access content on the site) are set at 3 months. If you need it again just email.