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kgbking's picture
all in 3bet in ht

wondering a general calling range for an all in 3bet by a villian with a 3bet % of 16-20% ? thank you

kgbking's picture
poker stove says if the

poker stove says if the villian is playing top 18% than ATo has 50% equity so ATo+ and pockets ?

Barrin's picture
Depends on how deep you are

Depends on how deep you are and how big you did open raise...your post is missing many informations. That's for the future. For the present; yes, versus a 18% range calling a 3bet shove with ATo is +EV


kgbking's picture
Whoops I meant to put 20-25

Whoops I meant to put 20-25 bb deep! a standard 2x pfr

And thank you thank you

kgbking's picture
You think calling an all in 3

You think calling an all in 3 bet from a villian with an 18% 3bet % or below with A6o is too light and -ev 20bb+ ?