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TheCleaner01's picture
What would you wish for ?

If you could pick out 'one thing' that you wished you had concetrated more effort onto in your Poker Game as you was starting out, what would it be ?

Barrin's picture



RyPac13's picture
Lol, the spam bots will love

Lol, the spam bots will love that response Barrin.
My answer would be that I wish I focused more on being open minded. I can look back at several spots in my poker playing years where not being open to new ideas and not thinking outside of the box really held me back for some time.
One instance was when I first got into the $115 turbos, I was just half pot cbetting everywhere. Over some time, I finally learned that increasing to 2/3 was much better (as a default play) against most players at that time (late 2007, early 2008). It made reactions much more predictable and exploitable for my skillset, and for the average regular's skillset at the time.
There are some other examples, but that was a big one that sticks out. I was coasting by with a 2-5% ROI in turbos at that level for awhile, and increased it to 7% or more on two tables after opening my mind up to better play.
Another one would be volume. That's really what causes many players to hit their ceiling, a lack of volume. Very few people can be sharp enough to really play at the levels where the best players play if they aren't playing poker often to stay sharp. Some can get by, but they usually have played a ton of volume at one point to build up their skill levels (and without playing often they will eventually get rusty). I never played full time, poker was always part time for me, so the $115-$230 levels were basically my max. I suppose if BF hadn't hit I'd probably have more chances at moving up and might've had a chance to play a level or two higher, but it's really difficult without the volume, and it would've been due to doing a lot of coaching (keeps you sharp) and my exposure to so many great players and videos that would've gotten me there (if I succeeded, there's no guarantee, I could've been stuck at $115-230 if I didn't move to full time playing).

ka5321's picture
Volume... it evens out bad

Volume... it evens out bad runs, and helps u to adapt to emotional swings... if ur on a 6BI losing streak, ull feel depressed to some extent... if u put in the volume, ur edge would even out most of the downswings in terms of longterm EV, and it will also help u to adjust to emotional swings, where you would later on view downswing as only a part of the game.......

TheCleaner01's picture
Thanks for the answers, I

Thanks for the answers, I guess a a large volume of sex and poker is the way forwards :-) 
Another question, when did you introduce HU software into your game and what was your problems adjusting to an extra learning curve and how did you deal with it ?
Many Thanks.

Go forth and CRUSH !