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nidel's picture
Diference betwen 15$ and 30$ in PS.com

Hi there,I was playing 10€ and 20€ HU HT in PS.es with 3%EvROI over 4000 samples, i moved to Sctoland 9th of january and Im actually playing 15$ in PS.com i have 4%EvROI over 1000 samples, i have enought bank to start playing 30$ but im not sure if my level will be enought to beat 30$.How is the ratio Regs/fish in 30$? how is the level?

lindridgeben's picture
Im doing a similiar thing, i

Im doing a similiar thing, i basically got my bankroll from 50$ to 1700$ (banked 400$) from 15$ Hyper HUSNGs so on $1300, im about to play the 30's and if i go below $1000 i will go back to the 15$ and grind them again, think my biggest downturn is about 15 BB so you should be able to work out from there if you have enough of a roll, plenty of fish and plenty of good players at the 30's.....FIND THE FISH!!!

nidel's picture
Bankroll Management

This is to agressvie for me dude :P im quite nit with my bankroll becouse thing like this:http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=36789854&postcount=2003   
After i decided stay more time in 15$ and start playing better regs as training for 30$, i think is better learn to play regs and get money from them too, becouse in 30$ should be still some fish but in 60$ wil be 95% regs... Firts learn, then earn!  Anyway, TY 4 the advise ;) GL