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caribboy's picture
Note Caddy Edge

Hello, Iam wondering if this Note Caddy brings a Edge in husngs. Can I use it on PS. Happy to get an answer.

Barrin's picture
Hey caribboy If note caddy

Hey caribboy
If note caddy would receive a set up that would configure it for HU SNG use only, it could be an amazing tool. As for the 'default' note caddy, you will do good to ignore moste of it, because it notes moves that are totally that are correct and marks them as wrong.


RyPac13's picture
It's been a nightmare

It's been a nightmare bringing a top notch HUSNG HUD to notecaddy. I've worked with a lead programmer to bring a Chadders led HUD there. Chadders gave all the info and was waiting the final testing, but it just hasn't happened.
Then one of the higher up guys with NC got in touch to bring the CoffeeHUD there, that was supposed to be released in November or December, but there were some technical delays.
So I'm hoping in 2013 we at least have one good advanced HUD out for notecaddy.

Barrin's picture
If you ever finish it up and

If you ever finish it up and start selling it, please make sure to not sell it for less than $500. It would harm the ecology of the game badly, but would be a bestseller for sure.


RyPac13's picture
Paranoia! Though the higher

Though the higher stakes licenses may sell for around that (they can do tier pricing, so that you buy it for certain buyin levels and it only works at those levels, allowing lower games to be sold for more affordable prices).