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rudders93's picture
Flop Overcards Thought Process


In this situation, could you go through the thought process on the flop. What are the factors you consider when calling with overcards on such a dry flop.

I think I made a mistake in not betting out the flop and again by not calling. But I'm not sure how to justify this properly and understand this.


No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 Players
Hand converted by http://husng.com/converter
BB Hero 1985 
SB Villian 1015 

Effective Stacks: 17bb

Blinds 30/60

Pre-Flop (90, 2 players)
Hero is BB with dQ cA

Villian calls 30, Hero raises to 240, Villian calls 180

Flop (480, 2 players)
d2 cJ s5

Hero checks, Villian bets 360, Hero folds

Final Pot: 480

Villian wins 840 ( won +240 )
Hero lost -240

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
first your pf-raise is way

sorry, in my original post i misread the blindlevel and said you raised way too much pf. i still would only go for 180 or maybe 200. 240 seems a little much to me.
i would definetely cbet that flop. if he doesn´t have a jack, he has a hard time continuing with the hand.

pavels4444's picture
Horrible! Shove preflop. As

Shove preflop. As played, you can't just check fold! There is less than potsized bet left. There is no way im folding on this board since he rarely has any 2s and 5s in his range and against Jx, you still have more than 25%
The thing is you shoulnt end up in this situation regardless.

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
why would you shove PF? we

why would you shove PF?
we are 17 bb deep and villain has only limped! we are folding out everything but trapped AA and KK! it´s better to 3x him and cbet any flop. that way i believe we maximize our value way more than by shoving.
and actually the SPR on the flop ist 2 and not less than 1. maybe you misread as well and that´s why you thought, shoving PF is best?

pavels4444's picture
ahhh sorry I misread the

ahhh sorry I misread the hand.... still like shoving more than the raise he made. I think it is close between a bit smaller raise and shoving actually. Depends on villian

tyrox's picture

nice hand.
i play turbos on PS. used to 3 and 5.
how is villain ? loose or tight in limped raise hand ? and generally ? is it your first raise ? wich infos do you have about him ?
in this limit, you are the agressor and 90 % of time he'll fold. pretty pretty weak range to limp call except if you raise any hand oop. 
raise for value between 160 and 200 pf. (sometimes i can shove to excite, depends of player). 
flop bet bet bet ! dry flop, i think 240 is enough, not more and your range can represent a Jack.
put the pressure :)

emptyseat's picture
By the way: I think at the 3$

By the way:
I think at the 3$ level people are capable to limp call tons of bad hands.

tyrox's picture
