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tyrox's picture
Is it a good line ?

BB is pretty weak and passive. just about 50 hands against him.
i need feedback ty all :)
Stacks: BTN - Hero (1345) BB (1655) Blinds: 25/50
Preflop: (75, 2 players) Hero is BTN with A T
Hero raises to 100, BB calls 50
  Flop: 4 5 3 (200, 2 players) 
  BB bets 50Hero raises to 150, BB calls 100
Turn: A (500, 2 players) 
  BB bets 100Hero raises to 250, BB calls 150
River: Q (1000, 2 players) 
  BB bets 300, Hero calls 300

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
i think the line is

i think the line is atrocious.
what do you want to beat after a PASSIVE and WEAK villain donks into you three times and calls two raises?
raising his flop donk already is borderline imo. i prefer to just call with your hand. but when he calls  your raise and donks the turn again, all alarmbells should go off. there is no plausible argument for raising the turn. you´ve got a very good bluffcatcher now. why would you want to chase his bluffs away (if he has any)?
did you pick up a betsizing tell on villain or are these sizings normal for him? if so and you can tell with some amount of certainty that he is playing draws oop by donking small than it´s something different.

tyrox's picture

after a couple of days, i m not proud of this hand.
ty for your analyse. i can t play like this and raise 2 streets then call river. last street is awful.
passive player who call 2 raises... obviously he hit something aehad.
i prefer raise flop and call or give up turn. 

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
i would expect villain to

i would expect villain to show up with A2 or 67s or maybe even a set, but i don´t think he has anything worse here.
would you like sharing the result?

tyrox's picture
with pleasure

may be next week ;)