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acebet101's picture
Huds in hyper hu sng

Hey guys, Im kinda new to huds but i do have success in hyper hu sngs, I was just curious would or do i need a HUD for Hyper hu sngs? like do the top players use them? and if soo what HUD should I use and what dose it do? and last question if i got a HUD how would i set it up and understand it?

RyPac13's picture
Many of the top players do

Many of the top players do use HUDs.
I don't think it is required, but if used properly I believe you will gain some edge out of it over the long term, being able to access information most non photographic memory players cannot possibly recall easily.
However, the key is using HUDs correctly.
Many are easy to setup (CoffeeHUD I think is 2 clicks on PT4).
Check out our newly redesigned HUDs Page for a list of options for HEM 1, HEM 2, PokerTracker 3 and PokerTracker 4.

acebet101's picture
Thank you!

Thank you!

acebet101's picture
Thank you!

Thank you!

KamikazeMan1's picture
When you are a beginner with

When you are a beginner with HUDs I think the key is always starting out very simple, like maybe 5 stats as a maximum, and those first stats should be stats that you understand very well as well as be able to apply them into the game type you play.  As you get more and more comfortable with your basic HUD with those 5 stats, then you begin to add stats as you go along, I would recommend just 1 extra stat at a time and continue to add stats until you feel that you have achieved a very good balance of maximizing your edge while in-game as well as having a HUD that is not large enough to be distracting to you while in-game.  Everyone is different with how detailed they prefer their HUD to be, but as for me, the HUD that I designed for myself suits me very well edgewise and sizewise.  It's up to you to find your own balance.  Good luck!!!