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TheCleaner01's picture
The Limper !?**!!%

Aaarrrgg. :-)
Any advice generally how to destroy limpers... in the nicest possible way of course :-)
Finding one player particularly frustrating to play against....
Have tried holding off untill premium cards come but he always seems to be there catching something great on the River.
Please, shine some light ?
The Cleaner.

Barrin's picture
Mhhh...got 7 hours of

Mhhh...got 7 hours of coaching from cog dis, so it is almost impossible for me not to BE A LIMPER!!!!!!! xD


TheCleaner01's picture
LOL :-)))

LOL :-)))

Go forth and CRUSH !

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
i know, it´s annoying to play

i know, it´s annoying to play against villains who limp 100%. i hate them too. but then i think: hey! isn´t it great to play the small pots oop and the big ones ip?
if he catches sth on the river, that´s variance being nasty on you. you´d have to get over it, unfortunately.

TheCleaner01's picture
Nice angle of approach,

Nice angle of approach, thanks :-)

Go forth and CRUSH !

RyPac13's picture
Here's an old article I wrote

Here's an old article I wrote about dealing with limpers. Some of it is outdated/wrong, but there is some good value still in there.
You really need to focus on their postflop characteristics, just the same as if they were raising the button. While it can be a disadvantage to limp every button instead of minraise, it's not as large of a disadvantage as I once thought.

TheCleaner01's picture
Excellent information. a

Excellent information.
a multiple re read I think.
thanks for the help again ! :-)

Go forth and CRUSH !