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GODMODE's picture
Starting with HU sngs. What roll do I need to play full time?

I have been playing Double or nothing sngs till now and have a 800$ roll right now. I want to make the switch to HU sngs as DONs are dead these days .
I also think HU is the fastest way to build a roll as well as to learn the game better.
I play full time ( I live with my parents and don't need to withdraw from my roll).
However I cannot afford to go broke.
Is 800$ BR enought to play HU sngs? Can I play HU Hypers?
If yes , what stakes can I play and how many buy-in to follow for not going broke?
If 800$ is too low , what is a decent roll to make the switch to HU sngs? Is Hyper better than normal/turbo sngs for the amount of games+fish+rakeback compareed to regular/normal HU sngs?
Any other advice is also welcome.
Thanks in advance :)

Barrin's picture
100 BI for hypers and 50 for

100 BI for hypers and 50 for Turbos should be fine for the limits that you can play with a $800 BR.
If you wish to calculate the chance to go broke with a BRM of XXX BI you need to know your ROI, in order to do this kind of math and since you cannot know your ROI yet, it is not possible to do so.
Anyways...if you start out on something new you might wanna start 1 to 2 limits lower than your BR would afford.


GODMODE's picture
Thanks. So I can play <5$

So I can play <5$ Hyper HU Sngs I guess untill I get a good grip on the game and the bankroll.
I'm interested in hypers compared to turbo ones.
That said , how is the rake at these limits ? It is the same like 20-30$ or do you recommened me to build a roll and start playing 10$+ because of the high rake normally in the micros ? (if the rake is too much at <5$ that is )

sir_lanka's picture
I would start out playing 3,5

I would start out playing 3,5 dollar hypers. Your BR is enough for 7´s but since you´re new to HU I´d go till 3,5´s. Rake is higher, but they are still beatable.
Start playing 7´s when you reach 1000 dollar and 15´s when you reach 1500 IMO.