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cdog91's picture

Subject says it all. Im playing on and off since black friday and i need help/guidance a COACH!
But they are tooo expensive :`(
I have played cash 2-16nl / stts 1.50-7/ mtts from 0.10-10
atm im playing husngs which i would love to be my game and improve hense the reason why im here in this forum..
current roll is $280 grinded from 8$ i won on a freeroll
I have amazing tilt control & brm again hense why ive never went busto 
I have played sooo and wasted sooo many hours pissing about and not doing the right thing i need someone to guide me step by step im that dumb!
i beg someone to help me ill pay them half my roll and then 50% of winnings if they help me to be a winning player not a break even grind for the stars and make them 1k in rake fish.
please help i dont know what else to do ive such a head ache :(

RyPac13's picture
At your level of play it

At your level of play it won't be worthwhile to either pay a coach for coaching nor for a coach to take you on as a profit share.
However, there are tons of free resources here that can help you improve and move up with success in HUSNGs. The free poker videos forum here as links to over 100 quality HUSNG videos.
The ebook tab contains Mersenneary's free ebook, another very valuable resource for you.
Beyond that, asking questions in the forum is also a great way to help improve your game as you move up.
Once you get to 1k+, I'd even suggest going with videos, and only when you get into the $30-60 levels would I consider really looking at hands on coaching (lower levels, unless it's an affordable HH review or affordable leakfinder or you have a larger budget, I don't think private coaching makes sense).

Barrin's picture
And for crying out loud; have

And for crying out loud; have some pride, will ya, women?


cdog91's picture
thanks so much rypac for

thanks so much rypac for taking the time to help us i really mean it i cant thank you enough!!.
All i needed was somewhere to continue to improve my game and i dint know where :/

Kieran Lynch

Newff's picture
You should record a session

You should record a session of yours and upload it to Youtube. You can record it with Camtasia free trial or CamStudio. I'd skim through it. I'm not a coach or the greatest player but I wouldn't mind watching in to see if I seen any more obvious leaks.