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MH Storm's picture
Min Raisers

I am looking for some advice on players that min raise me pre flop they never fold or 3 bet pre, what hands should i be calling them with?

If there are any forum posts i could read abotut this subject or any good vids i could look at they would be most helpfull.

Thx for the help

RyPac13's picture
If a player is minraising

If a player is minraising every button, I would make sure you're not folding more than 30-35% of hands preflop. If you fold over 50% it is immediately profitable to raise any two cards.
As for more specifics, I would 3bet a medium range of hands and see how the opponent reacts. If they fold a lot, increase the 3bet %. If you find postflop leaks, call with a wider range of hands (particularly if you find weakness postflop).
It's worth keeping in mind that an opponent that raises every single button is going to be able to hit a lot of flops. That may seem intimidating, but it's really not (they are weaker on average on stronger flop textures that most opponents are going to hit more often), it's just a piece of information to keep in mind. They'll hit that 257 flop more often than the average opponent, and they will miss the AJ7 flop more often because they have a lot of weak hands in their range. Just try to keep everything in perspective.

Barrin's picture
What is so uncommon about

What is so uncommon about raising every button?
If he NEVER folds to 3bet just 3betshove-valuebet-all in.


overcome's picture
I think you went a little bit

I think you went a little bit too far Barrin :-)
3betshove maybe will be EV+ with valuehands if he will fold quite a %, but it will be rather thin I think.
For those kind of players who never fold to 3bet I'd suggest you to work on your sizings. Maybe you 3bet like min3bet or double his bet - that will be quite obvious why he never folds:)
If you have normal size of your 3bet try to make it even larger with your top range and extract more value. A lot of players make a common mistake making their 3bets so profitable to call for villian, that it is actually EV- for him to fold:)
hope it helps.

Barrin's picture
>>I think you went a little

>>I think you went a little bit too far Barrin :-)
So, that makes one of us. ;-)
I was makeing a point, that OP just does not have the data to support his (false) statement. The simple truth is that nobody folds 'never' and if they do, you can reshove your value range and fold the rest of your hands, it is just so simple like that.


overcome's picture
Maybe;) But in case of

Maybe;) But in case of helping this guy I think you should be more specific ;)

MH Storm's picture
Thx for the advice i will

Thx for the advice i will take it on board.