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thumbwar08's picture
Player to Player Transfer on Carbon

Is there any way one of the admins from this site who plays on Carbon can transfer $50 into my account if there's and charge me $50 to be paid via paypal with a visa here? I'm not able to deposit for some reason and am ready to make the move from playmoney to the real shibang. My name there is thumbwar08. If not on Carbon, I would take the same deal for my name on LOCK, which is stranger87. I'm able to deposit on BlackChip but need to play smaller stakes than they have to offer. I could always transfer $50 to a person's account on BlackChip if they transferred $50 to one of the above accounts, and that goes for anyone. 

You can email me at stranger8787@aol.com if you're willing. Thank you.

thumbwar08's picture
Nevermind, it's taken care

Nevermind, it's taken care of.

RyPac13's picture
There are no peer to peer

There are no peer to peer transfers allowed on Carbon.
Also trades on paypal are generally not done unless people know each other very well, due to the easy reversible nature of money sends on paypal.