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overcome's picture
Will Tipton's Book


I was wondering if anyone from site regs has read Will Tipton books? Either volume 1 or 2 and have an opinion for a player that have solid fundamentals and looking for something mindblowing;) - maybe someone have comparision to Colin Moshmann's book?


Barrin's picture
There is a volume 2 ? I have

There is a volume 2 ?
I have the book, but could not read it completely yet, but I have been takeing a couple of looks at it and it seems pretty great. It also has gain great reviews on 2+2.


RyPac13's picture
It's better than Moshman's

It's better than Moshman's book, but that is an unfair comparision due to the age of Moshman's book (for example, take any video on this site in 2009, and it can't hold much water to videos in say Coffeeyay's Math Pack or the Hyper Turbo Masters).
It's very theory heavy and probably takes a lot for the average person to really gain from (working through, rereading, doing exercises). I like it and think it adds a unique value to the community/market. If you watch the preview videos on the Video Page, particularly video 1, as well as read the preview pages on the amazon book (I think there are some) it'll give you a good idea of what to expect.
It's pretty darn affordable too, I'd definitely recommend any winning player that plays consistently to own it.

batman's picture
I play 7s and a lot of it is

I play 7s and a lot of it is over my head but for the price it's worth getting.
I think it has helped me although a lot of the ideas aren't relevant to me yet as I don't play and 'regs' as such.  But I think it's good to think about the ideas in the book as I'm playing (when I remember:))
Volume 2 is going to be released in a few months I think, Will is writing now I believe.