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TheCleaner01's picture
Videos for $3.50 to $7 levels.


I gain a lot from watching the great videos here, especially like the coffee yay stuff. But often I wish there was some videos for the micro levels.

I'm understand its great to be able to watch videos for €100 regs but I'm battling it out at these micro levels and some tuition videos at these levels would 

really help a lot of beginners I think.

im taking shots up when I'm running good and my first impressions were the $7 levels was softer than $3's and $1.50 as the play is more logical... If that makes any sense ? Down at $3's and $1's where my BR Is more suited there's a lot of craziness going on :-)

Any recommendations for these levels and how to approach themwould be really helpfull. Any videos on this that are already available that u can recommend 

would be great.

Thanks everyone,

Barrin's picture
I can kinda feel with you. I

I can kinda feel with you. I often have problems with playing $7 hyper-turbos simply because the hourly is not good enough. Not that one could not reach a nice hourly, but I am making >$30 in my day-job and this is what I have to put it in comparision with.
Anyways; based on your earlier statements I asume that you have some logical problems, which is why I doubt that you can work with a live video correctly. You therefore should work on your "logic"-skills:
- Prefer watching Session-Reviews over Live play
- Check out the "thinking like a winner" series
- Use the free tools here: use the variance calculator with a big sample size (5000 sngs) first and then with a smaller one (50 to 100 sngs). I honestly believe that most players never get ride of the tilt problems they have, because they never face the truth head on.
- Post hands in the hand evaluation forum. If you are not posting your notes or are posting unimportant notes you are doing it wrong!


TheCleaner01's picture
Thanks Barrin,

Will chk out your suggestion. Thank you for that.
Im sure other beginners have this problem - being at the micro levels trying to teach your self through observing videos is quite difficult.
Not being able to afford the high rate of one on one tuition fees means it is quite tuff to know if your going in the right direction,
where your leaks are and so many other things...
appreciate the help.

Go forth and CRUSH !

Barrin's picture
Especially when you are new

Especially when you are new to the game I see a certain risk that one gets overwhelmed by excitment when "it goes all in preflop!!!!!!!". That is why you should work your way trough the same video over and over again.
Most beginners - and this is true for Omaha, MTTs, SNGs, FL and every other kind of poker - make things more complicated then they are. Keep it simple. In the first hand AA goes all in preflop no matter what the opponent holds and 93o you fold.
The truth of the matter is: noone does need coaching on those micro stakes. Is it nice to have? Sure. Necessary? Nope.


TheCleaner01's picture
Downloading Waldi now.

Downloading Waldi now.

Go forth and CRUSH !

Barrin's picture
(No subject)


Sentin's picture
We just put this up yesteday,

We just put this up yesteday, perhaps it will be just what you're looking for: http://www.husng.com/content/sentin7-heads-up-sit-and-go-coaching
I agree 100% with a lot of what you're saying and having  made the climb from $1s to $100s just last year, I know how tough it can be to find the appropriate material without breaking your budget. For that reason, I tried to set up a program that would allow the coach (me) more flexibility with the time commitment so as to be able to offer discounted rates that are more realistic for small to midstake players.
Also, just to note, the video pack I will be releasing in a month or two will feature a complete 'Noob' learning the game from the ground up, so that could be extremely helpful to you.
I don't mean to come in and just talk about how great I am, but I am actively trying to mold my coaching towards guys in exactly your situation, so hopefully you find good value in it. And if you, or anyone, has any suggestions/recommendations of what they're deperately missing (either in their own game or as far as HUSNG.com is concerned), please let me know and I'll do my best to address it in one way or another.
Let me know if you have any questions and best of luck at the tables.



TWITTER  @Sentin9&

TheCleaner01's picture
Awsome ! Give me 24hrs and im

Awsome ! Give me 24hrs and im in.

Go forth and CRUSH !